

Randomness. . .

This post has several things to it...

Dish Rag Tag:

Dish Rag has commenced and I am anxiously awaiting "the box." For those who don't know what Dish Rag Tag see the below explanation as taken from the "Yarn Miracle" blog posted by Emily:

Here's the objective per Emily's site:


The Longer Version:
There will be a box (the baton) that circulates through the 12 Knitter Team.
Each box will be packed with a finished dish rag, one ball of dish rag cotton (you know the kind I mean: Sugar’n Cream, Peaches & Creme, or a similar cotton), instructions, the Official Dish Rag Tag Pattern and a small treat (stitch markers, a candy bar, one of those “what size is my needle” thingys).
When a knitter receives the box, the knitter will report (using the DRT web application) that she or he is “it”, and empty the box keeping the enclosed dishrag and treat.
The knitter will then knit a new dishrag with the cotton in the box and the Official Pattern.
**You may not start knitting your dishrag until you receive the box. This is cheating and will make the cats cry. Not to mention ruining the fun for your whole team.**
When the dish rag is finished, it goes back in the box with a new ball of dish rag cotton and a small treat and will be Priority Mailed to an untagged team member (don’t forget to add tracking). The first box to make it through all a team’s members and return to the Miracle Household achieves Dish Rag Tag Glory! Prizes for the top three teams will be announced at a later date.
The whole thing (even with priority shipping and tracking) should cost less than $10 per participant and take up a little more time than knitting a dishrag.

I really like my team. Even though no one has met the other we have all bonded very quickly. As soon as I get "the box" I will be sure to take lots of pictures and get them posted ASAP - after I knit my dish rag of course! : )

The timing for Dish Rag Tag is perfect since the Ravelympics have finished. My goal for the the olympics was to knit a purl scarf and button tab hat. I not only knitted what I aimed too I also decided to knit a second button tab hat at the last minute (I've always been an over-achiever). Pictures of my projects and all my "awards" are below. . .

The Purl Scarf

First Button Tab Hat

Second Button Tab Hat



Scarf Stroke

Hat Dash x2

2008 Ravelympics Logo

The Ravelympics finished just in time for me to start wearing this . . .

As I mentioned above, I'm on a Dish Rag Tag team so my carpal tunnel scare is not good timing. However, I am dead-set on participating so I'd rather wear this oh so lovely brace and be able to participate than forfeit my place and still risk the carpal tunnel getting worse.

I am in the process of knitting a few things make it a little more "stylish." (This is one of the things I love about knitting. If I need a clothing item or accessory of sorts I can probably knit it!) I'm also in the middle of knitting a toddler hat for my great nephew as I've been informed he has grown out of his hats from last winter. I'll probably throw in a few scarfs as well. I'll add pictures of this project as I take them.

In other "knitting news," I picked up more charity stash yarn for one of my groups. This was the stash when I inherited it -

. . . and this is the addition I picked up. . .

Well, that's all the time I have for now. As I said in the beginning this has been a bunch of randomness. Hope you enjoyed it! Ta! Ta!


Dish Rag Tag 2008

Dish Rag Tag 2008 began on Friday, August 15th when Emily sent out the boxes to the team captins. The below widget should track each teams progress. I'll be interested to see who wins this year.

Emily's blog can be found at:

That's all for now. . . Ta! Ta!


Ravelympics 2008

So I decided as a challenge to myself I would participate in the Ravelympic 2008 Summer event.

What is this you ask?

Put simply, Ravelry is an online knitting community I belong to and they put forth a simple yet difficult challenge - "Your challenge should you choose to accept it, is to start and finish a project during the 2008 Olympic Summer Games." Sound easy doesn't it!? Well, the catch is that it has to be something that is a challenge to do. That could mean finishing the Work in Progress (WIP) that has been sitting in the closet for three year or start a whole new project all together.

As for my challenge - a scarf and hat. This is the first "fancy" scarf I've done and I've never made a hat before so it should be interesting.

I have actually finished my scarf. I casted-on the scarf at 7AM (when the opening ceremonies were taking place in Beijing) on Friday, August 8, 2008. I finished my scarf at 8PM on Tuesday, August 12, 2008. I didn't finish it as quickly as I would have liked, but considering all I have going on I don't think that is too bad. Here's the link to picture on my flickr page:

I casted-on the hat at 8:05PM on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 and am currently working on the brim of the hat. (Pictures coming soon!)

That's all for now!

Happy Knitting!
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