Apparently there is a movie called, "The Bucket List" which is about two terminal ill people who decide to do all the things they ever wanted to do in life before they die. I was not aware of such a movie up until last week. I was however, aware of a MTV show call, "The Buried Life" which has a similar concept.
Whether it's "The Bucket List" or "The Buried Life," it gets you thinking - what would I do if I knew I had only a limited of time left. Here's my list:
Plan CI believe in the power of threes. This means I have three life plans - at least at the moment there are three.
Plan A and B are totally and undeniably very responsible, long-term plans. Plan C, however, is totally and undeniably very irresponsible and not long-term in any way, shape or form. (Honestly, that is what I LOVE most about it.)
Simply put, "Plan C" is to pack up all my stuff, put it in a storage locker and travel the world until every last dime I have is spent. Sound familiar? It's sort of "Eat. Pray. Love."-ish. The only difference is that I would not be doing this to find myself or seek out any life truths. I would simply be going to runaway, enjoy life and take lots of outstanding pictures.
Print ReadyI'd love to have one of my photographs published in a national publication. Or displayed at the Art Institute of Chicago. Either one would be rad!
License To FlyIt's not a secret that I enjoy skydiving. However, I am not licensed to jump on my own. This is something I've wanted to do since I first jumped.
The plan, at some point, is to take a week off of life and go through the training I need to get my Class A license.
Bonjour!I got kicked out of French in 5th grade. Or, maybe I should say, my parents were "urged" to not have me continue on with French.
Though, Italian is really on the top of my list of languages I would like to learn, French is also on the list. I don't pretend that this goal is anything more than proving my former teachers wrong - even though I wouldn't know where to find them.
One Checked Off The ListI just embarked on checking an item off my bucket list. I hate saying that it is a "bucket list" item because honestly, it's not. It's been a goal of mine for years now. I just didn't feel like it was one I could tackle or was capable of achieving. At least, not until recently. This is where I'm going to so a special kind of annoying. I'm not going to give details about what I'm doing.
For that apologize. That said, I do not think it's important to say. What I feel is important to say is that it has given me back a sense of who I really am. I have jumped, once again, into something that I am not 100% sure will end the way I want it to. Will I be disappointed if it doesn't end the way I want it too? Yes. No doubt. However, I know at the very least that I will took a chance. A full-force chance which is something I have not done in a long time.
Until later . . .