I don't have anything specific to write about tonight, but since I appear to be on a bit of a blogging tangent lately I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw one more entry in the February mix for good measure.
I've been in truly rare form this month in regards to blogging. I'm not sure why I've felt this sudden need to blog. Especially during one of the most insanely, crazy, busy months I've had in a really long time. Truthfully I feel as though I've accomplished more in the past 28 days than I have in the past 6 months. I could be very wrong about this, but I don't believe I am. At the very least, I know that I've definitely been more focused and driven this month than I have in a long time.
I do have to say, the last day of February 2011 did start off on a fantastic note. BFF had her third child today. I'm not sure if I'm suppose to write about this, but I'm going to take a chance. When I found out that she was pregnant I was super thrilled for her. She broke the news right after her family's visit over 4th of July weekend. Even though they weren't going to find out the gender of the baby that didn't keep me from referring to it as Baby Girl BFF for the past 6 months. That is how much confidence I had that she was going to have a girl. Earlier this month I asked my Magic 8 Ball to confirm my prediction and it did so willingly. (Didn't have to shake it more than once!) Now that we know it's a girl, we're all just waiting to find out the baby's name. BFF and DH aren't sharing that with anyone until the baby naming. Thankfully we won't have to wait long - Friday is the big day.
Of course now that I know for sure it's a girl it's time to pick out what this new arrival gets as a welcome to the world gift. Normally, I'd be trying to bust out a baby blanket like I use to make back in the day - circa 2007/2008. However, I'm thinkin' I need to mix things up a bit as I don't want to get too predictable. (Also, I would like to get something to this child before it goes to college.) After some searching, I've come up with the perfect project. I'd love to talk about it, but BFF reads my blog. Rest assured there will be pictures once the gift is complete and has been received by Baby Girl BFF and family.
As long as I'm talking about gifts . . .
Sometime around August/September I decided it was time to outfit my whole family with a pair of knitted socks. I started by making a pair for my youngest brother's bday back in September and then started concentrating on December bdays. There were two pairs of socks made that month - one for my youngest nephew and one for my great nephew. The beginning of the year found me finishing up socks for my youngest niece and I'm now working on a pair for my middle brother's bday which is on St. Patrick's Day. Unfortunately I don't get much of a break after that given my youngest sister-in-law's bday is mid-April. Then I need to rewind a bit and start working on the pair of socks for my auntie whose bday was in October.
(I'm starting to think this undertaking is a tad ambitious. I've never really thought of my family as a large one, but right now it seems that way.)
Now keep in mind, I am also making a sock yarn blankie for my mom's milestone bday that happens in 2012. It's approximately 635 days away so there isn't a super urgent time crunch, but given this is a sizable project that isn't a lot of time either. At the end of the day when I look at all the gifts I plan to make I start to wonder one thing - who the heck is making me a pair of socks for my bday???
On that note, I'm going to sign-off for now.
Until later . . .
Thrity-Five Things About Me
Two years ago I wrote a post based on the "25 Things" list that was going around Facebook at the time. You know what I'm talking about. The list where you're suppose to write list 25 things about yourself or thoughts you're having. At the time I made my list Thirty-Three things since that was how old I was.
When I was poking around my blog a few weeks back this is one of the posts I took a glance at. This time around I'm going to list "35 Things"about myself . Hopefully I won't repeat something I said last time.
Here goes nothing . . .
1. I like to watch sports. I'm not someone who must watch each and every game of my favorite sports teams or for that matter have vast knowledge of sports trivia. I do however enjoy kicking back and watching a game here and there.
2. Froggie has been my online handle for 8 years. I first started using the handle on an industry networking site I use to belong to. My favorite part about using this handle is when people tell me I've spelled Froggie incorrectly. As far as I'm concerned it's spelled the right way. I liken it to someone telling me my name, in real life, is spelled incorrectly since my actual name is not a common spelling.
3. I love frog stuff. I'm not sure when this love affair began, but I know it's been a day - or two. However, I'm beginning to wonder if it is possible to have too much frog stuff.
4. I'm not a quitter. Periodically I may say things that give the impression that I am, but I don't mean them. I usually say these things out of frustration. However, I usually get over it and keep on keepin on. Last October I took a motor bike safety class and did horribly. I was upset and decided that it might not be my destiny to operate a motorcycle. I have since reconsidered this and plan to try again sometime this coming year. I'm hopeful that the second time around will be better.
5. The feeling of forgiveness is a amazing one. What is even more amazing is the day you realize you have forgiven someone. It just kind of sneaks up on you unexpectedly. Or, at least that has been my experience.
6. Peanut Butter Nutella Cupcakes = HEAVEN!!!
7. I still haven't faced my fear of ferris wheels. I really need to get on that. I think it's one of the only things left on my list of fears I have to face.
8. I'm thankful for e-mail, online chat and social networking. It's definitely helped keep me connected with my besties whom live so far away.
9. Today I realized that I've been knitting on a regular basis for over four years. My knitting mojo has simmered a bit lately, but mainly because I've been busy. Hopefully once things calm down I will work on more projects.
10. I shouldn't be doing this, I should be sleeping, but as sleepy as I may be I'm just not ready to call it a night.
11. When I was a kid, I use to play with my mom's jewelry and perfumes. I still do this from time-to-time when I'm over at mom's place despite the fact that I have my own jewelry and perfume to play with.
12. I can't believe it's almost March. January and February just flew by.
13. It bothers me when people say things they don't mean just to make me feel better.
14. I keep thinking about how much I miss Shayna (my former cat). I wonder if she's still living in Wrigleyville.
15. This is a lot harder than I remember it being . . .
16. I am a loyal friend, and I value loyalty in others.
17. I recently was introduced to the word "apperception." It's one of my new favorite words. Mainly due to the context in which I learned the word. The situation makes me laugh every time I think about it. Now I just need to find a reason to use it.
18. I love the height my high heels give me.
19. My tolerance for snow and cold has definitely increased over the past several years. I'm thankful for this as it makes Chicago winters more bearable.
20. The folks in my knitting group aren't shy. We talk in public about things most people wouldn't. I often wonder what those around think of our conversations.
21. When I was approaching my 16th birthday all I wanted was a VW Cabriolet. Part of me still wants that car.
22. It's raining outside right now. I'd rather it rain then snow.
23. Spring is getting closer everyday!
24. Today someone told me that they are judgmental immediately after giving me a difficult time because I watch reality tv. At the very least I appreciated their honesty about the judgmental stuff..
25. I find that I'm an easy target for people to rag on. I think it's because I typically don't bite back. As much as I would like to, I believe some things are just not worth my time or energy.
26. I love the word "y'all," but in some situations I feel like it's too informal to use; however, I haven't figured out a better replacement for the word. "You guys" doesn't seem right.
27. The only reason I eat oatmeal has to do with the fact that I found a flavor that tastes exactly like apple pie.
28. The all time favorite nickname I've been given is Shirley.
29. I have a copy of the book Ivanhoe that was my dad's. I've never read it, but I keep meaning too.
30. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't able to laugh at myself from time-to-time.
31. I love the flavors of salty and sweet mixed together.
32. I enjoy simplicity. You really can't go wrong with this route . . .
33. This is definitely a repeat . . . I still think I have too many passwords. However, I'm getting better about keeping a list of them - and in a place that is safe, but I can still get to them
34. I've learned to cherish a good nights sleep a whole lot more over the past couple of months.
35. I feel as though I should write something profound for number 35, but all I keep thinking is how thrilled I am to have gotten through numbers 1 through 34. Especially since some of the items are more random thoughts that popped into my head at the time than they are about me. I know this all sounds like a bunch of rambling, but I do that periodically. My favorite response to my rambling and randomness is that it is "cute."
Until later . . .
When I was poking around my blog a few weeks back this is one of the posts I took a glance at. This time around I'm going to list "35 Things"
Here goes nothing . . .
1. I like to watch sports. I'm not someone who must watch each and every game of my favorite sports teams or for that matter have vast knowledge of sports trivia. I do however enjoy kicking back and watching a game here and there.
2. Froggie has been my online handle for 8 years. I first started using the handle on an industry networking site I use to belong to. My favorite part about using this handle is when people tell me I've spelled Froggie incorrectly. As far as I'm concerned it's spelled the right way. I liken it to someone telling me my name, in real life, is spelled incorrectly since my actual name is not a common spelling.
3. I love frog stuff. I'm not sure when this love affair began, but I know it's been a day - or two. However, I'm beginning to wonder if it is possible to have too much frog stuff.
4. I'm not a quitter. Periodically I may say things that give the impression that I am, but I don't mean them. I usually say these things out of frustration. However, I usually get over it and keep on keepin on. Last October I took a motor bike safety class and did horribly. I was upset and decided that it might not be my destiny to operate a motorcycle. I have since reconsidered this and plan to try again sometime this coming year. I'm hopeful that the second time around will be better.
5. The feeling of forgiveness is a amazing one. What is even more amazing is the day you realize you have forgiven someone. It just kind of sneaks up on you unexpectedly. Or, at least that has been my experience.
6. Peanut Butter Nutella Cupcakes = HEAVEN!!!
7. I still haven't faced my fear of ferris wheels. I really need to get on that. I think it's one of the only things left on my list of fears I have to face.
8. I'm thankful for e-mail, online chat and social networking. It's definitely helped keep me connected with my besties whom live so far away.
9. Today I realized that I've been knitting on a regular basis for over four years. My knitting mojo has simmered a bit lately, but mainly because I've been busy. Hopefully once things calm down I will work on more projects.
10. I shouldn't be doing this, I should be sleeping, but as sleepy as I may be I'm just not ready to call it a night.
11. When I was a kid, I use to play with my mom's jewelry and perfumes. I still do this from time-to-time when I'm over at mom's place despite the fact that I have my own jewelry and perfume to play with.
12. I can't believe it's almost March. January and February just flew by.
13. It bothers me when people say things they don't mean just to make me feel better.
14. I keep thinking about how much I miss Shayna (my former cat). I wonder if she's still living in Wrigleyville.
15. This is a lot harder than I remember it being . . .
16. I am a loyal friend, and I value loyalty in others.
17. I recently was introduced to the word "apperception." It's one of my new favorite words. Mainly due to the context in which I learned the word. The situation makes me laugh every time I think about it. Now I just need to find a reason to use it.
18. I love the height my high heels give me.
19. My tolerance for snow and cold has definitely increased over the past several years. I'm thankful for this as it makes Chicago winters more bearable.
20. The folks in my knitting group aren't shy. We talk in public about things most people wouldn't. I often wonder what those around think of our conversations.
21. When I was approaching my 16th birthday all I wanted was a VW Cabriolet. Part of me still wants that car.
22. It's raining outside right now. I'd rather it rain then snow.
23. Spring is getting closer everyday!
24. Today someone told me that they are judgmental immediately after giving me a difficult time because I watch reality tv. At the very least I appreciated their honesty about the judgmental stuff..
25. I find that I'm an easy target for people to rag on. I think it's because I typically don't bite back. As much as I would like to, I believe some things are just not worth my time or energy.
26. I love the word "y'all," but in some situations I feel like it's too informal to use; however, I haven't figured out a better replacement for the word. "You guys" doesn't seem right.
27. The only reason I eat oatmeal has to do with the fact that I found a flavor that tastes exactly like apple pie.
28. The all time favorite nickname I've been given is Shirley.
29. I have a copy of the book Ivanhoe that was my dad's. I've never read it, but I keep meaning too.
30. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't able to laugh at myself from time-to-time.
31. I love the flavors of salty and sweet mixed together.
32. I enjoy simplicity. You really can't go wrong with this route . . .
33. This is definitely a repeat . . . I still think I have too many passwords. However, I'm getting better about keeping a list of them - and in a place that is safe, but I can still get to them
34. I've learned to cherish a good nights sleep a whole lot more over the past couple of months.
35. I feel as though I should write something profound for number 35, but all I keep thinking is how thrilled I am to have gotten through numbers 1 through 34. Especially since some of the items are more random thoughts that popped into my head at the time than they are about me. I know this all sounds like a bunch of rambling, but I do that periodically. My favorite response to my rambling and randomness is that it is "cute."
Until later . . .
More Late Night Thoughts
• Knitted Socks + Uggs = Toasty Warm Feet
• Here's wishing everyone a much better week than last week.
• A gallon size ziplock bag, a juice box, two granola bars and access to a pencil sharpener and printer . . . I hope I didn't just establish my going rate for babysitting three kids.
• I'm making man socks and I'm afraid they aren't manly enough. I may have to get the opinion of a man so I don't continue to second guess this one.
• Never expected I'd have logic puzzle withdrawal.
• Knitting group is truly an educational experience.
• You really can't judge what a person is experiencing unless you've had a similar experience. As much as I preach this, I haven't always practiced it. Lesson re-learned.
• Blogging Thursdays may be resurrected - Yay!!!
• I've been so focused on the task at hand I didn't stop to think of the impact it will have on my life should it workout the way I want it too.
• I'm thrilled our Borders isn't closing. I've developed somewhat of an attachment to the place.
• Zuma is my Angry Birds
• Everything I am responsible for is done, now I just need to have faith the others will do their part.
• I could really use an extra two days this month. I've been trying to figure out how I can arrange this. Any suggestions?
• "There shouldn't be this ring of silence, But what are the options?" ~ LCD Soundsystem
Until later . . .
• Here's wishing everyone a much better week than last week.
• A gallon size ziplock bag, a juice box, two granola bars and access to a pencil sharpener and printer . . . I hope I didn't just establish my going rate for babysitting three kids.
• I'm making man socks and I'm afraid they aren't manly enough. I may have to get the opinion of a man so I don't continue to second guess this one.
• Never expected I'd have logic puzzle withdrawal.
• Knitting group is truly an educational experience.
• You really can't judge what a person is experiencing unless you've had a similar experience. As much as I preach this, I haven't always practiced it. Lesson re-learned.
• Blogging Thursdays may be resurrected - Yay!!!
• I've been so focused on the task at hand I didn't stop to think of the impact it will have on my life should it workout the way I want it too.
• I'm thrilled our Borders isn't closing. I've developed somewhat of an attachment to the place.
• Zuma is my Angry Birds
• Everything I am responsible for is done, now I just need to have faith the others will do their part.
• I could really use an extra two days this month. I've been trying to figure out how I can arrange this. Any suggestions?
• "There shouldn't be this ring of silence, But what are the options?" ~ LCD Soundsystem
Until later . . .
Hipster Ariel
Some random tidbits of information come across my desk - or twitter feed for that matter - just at the right time.
Normally, I don't post random articles on this blog, but given my recent quest to clarify exactly what a Hipster is and the fact that "The Little Mermaid" is one of my all time favorite Disney movies I just had to post this one.
Looks like my girl Ariel has left her kingdom for a less mainstream lifestyle . . .
"Meet Hipster Ariel"
Until later . . .
Normally, I don't post random articles on this blog, but given my recent quest to clarify exactly what a Hipster is and the fact that "The Little Mermaid" is one of my all time favorite Disney movies I just had to post this one.
Looks like my girl Ariel has left her kingdom for a less mainstream lifestyle . . .
"Meet Hipster Ariel"
Until later . . .
Top Five
Top five things I've learned over the past five weeks . . .
• My home does not clean itself.
• Injury is nothing more than a slight inconvenience.
• PB&J sandwiches do not take the place of a real meal.
• If you're going to back out a commitment give a reason.
(Yeah, I already knew this one, but just forgot to practice it. Sorry!!!)
• If you are going to fall off the face of the earth realize people will begin to notice and start to ask questions.
Until later . . .
• My home does not clean itself.
• Injury is nothing more than a slight inconvenience.
• PB&J sandwiches do not take the place of a real meal.
• If you're going to back out a commitment give a reason.
(Yeah, I already knew this one, but just forgot to practice it. Sorry!!!)
• If you are going to fall off the face of the earth realize people will begin to notice and start to ask questions.
Until later . . .
Over the past couple of days I've been taking a bit of a trip down memory lane by reading some of the blog entries I made over the past year. My reason for doing this is a simple one - Inspiration.
I've been tasked with a writing that needs to get done in the next day or two and the words aren't coming to me as I had once hoped they would. Over the past weeks as I've been working on this I've looked for inspiration in many different places, but without much luck. Finally, I came up with the idea that maybe something from my past would inspire my future.
At first things were a bit slow-going. Posts about my blankie and yarn weren't quite doing it for me. However, before I knew it, I came across several posts that got me thinking of a new way to approach this daunting task I faced.
During the first half of 2010 I was involved in a blog project with three others. The platform for the project was simple: Every Thursday the four of us would write on the same topic. If someone had told me during the period this project took place that it would later help me find inspiration for this important writing I am now working on currently I wouldn't have believed them. (Guess this fall into the category of "you just never know.") I'm pleased that this is where my inspiration is coming from. Many weeks I struggled to compose those entries and getting something more beyond what was originally intended makes it even more worth the effort.
I'm also very excited about the fact that I found inspiration - and thankful as well. This is one of those times where the deadline is the deadline, there is not an exception. . . Well, I take that back. There is another option, but not one I wish to exercise.
Aside from providing me with the inspiration I've been craving, this approach also has me marveling a bit. Reading old entries is nothing new for me. I've done this on many occasions over the years. I always seem to get something new out of the experience, but it has never left me marveling as this particular stroll down memory lane has. The experience even has me smiling. It's amazing how a simple blog entry has me recalling so many good memories that aren't even related to the entry itself. Sometimes I can get so caught up in the moment and forget about all the small things that create the bigger picture. Or in this particular case, I had forgotten the things in 2010 that made it a good year. It's my hope that I can say the same about my entries in 2011.
I'm told you're not suppose to look back on the past, but rather focus on the future. Though I do understand why people suggest this I think such actions can serve a purpose. In my case, I use the past as a litmus test of sorts. An indicator of where I am now based upon where I've been and where I hope to be.
With that in mind it is time for me to concentrate on then task at hand so I can continue to move toward my future.
Until later . . .
I've been tasked with a writing that needs to get done in the next day or two and the words aren't coming to me as I had once hoped they would. Over the past weeks as I've been working on this I've looked for inspiration in many different places, but without much luck. Finally, I came up with the idea that maybe something from my past would inspire my future.
At first things were a bit slow-going. Posts about my blankie and yarn weren't quite doing it for me. However, before I knew it, I came across several posts that got me thinking of a new way to approach this daunting task I faced.
During the first half of 2010 I was involved in a blog project with three others. The platform for the project was simple: Every Thursday the four of us would write on the same topic. If someone had told me during the period this project took place that it would later help me find inspiration for this important writing I am now working on currently I wouldn't have believed them. (Guess this fall into the category of "you just never know.") I'm pleased that this is where my inspiration is coming from. Many weeks I struggled to compose those entries and getting something more beyond what was originally intended makes it even more worth the effort.
I'm also very excited about the fact that I found inspiration - and thankful as well. This is one of those times where the deadline is the deadline, there is not an exception. . . Well, I take that back. There is another option, but not one I wish to exercise.
Aside from providing me with the inspiration I've been craving, this approach also has me marveling a bit. Reading old entries is nothing new for me. I've done this on many occasions over the years. I always seem to get something new out of the experience, but it has never left me marveling as this particular stroll down memory lane has. The experience even has me smiling. It's amazing how a simple blog entry has me recalling so many good memories that aren't even related to the entry itself. Sometimes I can get so caught up in the moment and forget about all the small things that create the bigger picture. Or in this particular case, I had forgotten the things in 2010 that made it a good year. It's my hope that I can say the same about my entries in 2011.
I'm told you're not suppose to look back on the past, but rather focus on the future. Though I do understand why people suggest this I think such actions can serve a purpose. In my case, I use the past as a litmus test of sorts. An indicator of where I am now based upon where I've been and where I hope to be.
With that in mind it is time for me to concentrate on then task at hand so I can continue to move toward my future.
Until later . . .
Random Questions
Strong Personality
I've been told, by several people, that I have a "strong personality." The problem is that I'm not sure what exactly that means. So I looked up the term online. As I would suspect there were many explanations of what a strong personality is.
Some think having a strong personality means you are overbearing, while others think it means that you speak your mind and/or are assertive. All this means to me is that I'm back to square one when it comes to understanding what having a strong personality means.
Furthermore, if having a strong personality means that you are assertive, why is it that I was once passed over for a job because the hiring manager thought I was too soft spoken and wouldn't be able to be assert myself with individuals who had "strong personalities"?
Can someone explain to me what a Hipster is?
I've heard the term "Hipster" thrown around a lot lately. I kinda have an idea of what I would be looking for, but I'm not 100%.
Now, don't get me wrong, I will live a full life should I never truly know what a Hispter is, but it would be nice to have a clearer idea of who these people are and what they are about.
For my birthday I got a pair of Ugg boots as a gift. (A really nice gift, I know!)
The person who gifted them to me has wanted to get these for me for a few years now. I finally relented this year. I think my agreement was partially due to the fact that at the time they asked me about it I was extremely preoccupied with other things going on in my life and I really didn't feel like going through the back and forth of prior years.
For some reason I refuse to wear these fine boots. Yep. That's right. I've had these boots for almost three months and haven't worn them yet. I know at least half a dozen people who would take these off my hands in a heartbeat if I wanted and yet I let them just sit waiting to see the great outdoors.
At first it was just that they weren't water proofed and stain proofed. However, I have since taken care of those details. This has me wondering, what is stopping me from wearing these boots?
Why do people make promises they know they aren't going to keep?
First off, let me say I believe there is a difference between making a promise you are not able to keep vs. making a promise you have no intention of keeping.
I could reason that it so the person they are making the promise to feels better and/or it makes the promiser look good. However, when the promiser ends up not keeping their promise doesn't that just make the promisee feel worse and/or shed a negative perception on the promiser?
I just can't seem to come up with a good reason to do this in the first place.
That's all for now.
Until later . . .
I've been told, by several people, that I have a "strong personality." The problem is that I'm not sure what exactly that means. So I looked up the term online. As I would suspect there were many explanations of what a strong personality is.
Some think having a strong personality means you are overbearing, while others think it means that you speak your mind and/or are assertive. All this means to me is that I'm back to square one when it comes to understanding what having a strong personality means.
Furthermore, if having a strong personality means that you are assertive, why is it that I was once passed over for a job because the hiring manager thought I was too soft spoken and wouldn't be able to be assert myself with individuals who had "strong personalities"?
Can someone explain to me what a Hipster is?
I've heard the term "Hipster" thrown around a lot lately. I kinda have an idea of what I would be looking for, but I'm not 100%.
Now, don't get me wrong, I will live a full life should I never truly know what a Hispter is, but it would be nice to have a clearer idea of who these people are and what they are about.
For my birthday I got a pair of Ugg boots as a gift. (A really nice gift, I know!)
The person who gifted them to me has wanted to get these for me for a few years now. I finally relented this year. I think my agreement was partially due to the fact that at the time they asked me about it I was extremely preoccupied with other things going on in my life and I really didn't feel like going through the back and forth of prior years.
For some reason I refuse to wear these fine boots. Yep. That's right. I've had these boots for almost three months and haven't worn them yet. I know at least half a dozen people who would take these off my hands in a heartbeat if I wanted and yet I let them just sit waiting to see the great outdoors.
At first it was just that they weren't water proofed and stain proofed. However, I have since taken care of those details. This has me wondering, what is stopping me from wearing these boots?
Why do people make promises they know they aren't going to keep?
First off, let me say I believe there is a difference between making a promise you are not able to keep vs. making a promise you have no intention of keeping.
I could reason that it so the person they are making the promise to feels better and/or it makes the promiser look good. However, when the promiser ends up not keeping their promise doesn't that just make the promisee feel worse and/or shed a negative perception on the promiser?
I just can't seem to come up with a good reason to do this in the first place.
That's all for now.
Until later . . .
Recently, one of my Facebook friends posed the question, "What would you do if you couldn't fail?" The question was based on the quote by Robert Schuller, "What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?"
This question has crept in and out of my random thoughts since I first saw the posting as this is a very timely question for me. What if I couldn't fail . . .
When I think of the possibility of not failing my immediate thought is, "Oh, what a great world that would be to live in." The idea of not being able to fail sounds like Utopia.
After basking in the idea of this Utopia for a bit my mind then came around to the reality, that even Utopia most likely has its flaws and I'm not 100% sure it's a place I would want to take up residence after all. . .
For me, the problem with idea of not being able to fail is that it wouldn't allow me truly to know what it means to succeed. No matter how much I wish for things to be easy, I believe that though the destination is important it is the journey there that makes it meaningful. Sometimes that meaning includes experiencing failure before experiencing success.
The other problem I have with this idea of not being able to fail is there are few things that I haven't gone after because I was afraid to fail. As a result I can't begin contemplate what there would be to go after in this ideal scenario. (Ok, maybe something really far fetched, but I'm trying to stay grounded somewhat.)
Those that have known me for a many years know more often than not I try to defy the odds that are against me. However, over the past year I surrendered this part of myself and let the odds define who I was and what I went after.
That part of my life is over.
And I'm glad it's over. It wasn't me. I wanted to be me because I felt it was an easier path to ride then the one I really wanted to take. From this experience I learned that it is sometimes harder to ride the perceived "easy path" than the one you knew you're meant to be on; the path that may hold a greater potential for failure.
To quote Beverly Sills - an American operatic soprano, - "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try."
After my year of not trying, I would agree with Ms. Sills.
For several weeks I've been starting to work towards something that I once thought was not an option for me. Something I had told myself I couldn't do. Something I was afraid to take on because I was afraid of failing.
As I near the end of the first part of this journey, there is still a part of me that wonders about the outcome. What if it is not how I wish it to be? What if I fail? I've had my moments over the past couple of days with these concerns. I've even considered quitting without even trying only to come back to the same place I always do - it's not me to just give up. In the end I keep reminding myself that I am doing my part and fate does the rest. Should the outcome of current journey not turnout with the desired result, I will not feel as though I have failed. For at the very least I will have succeeded merely because I tried.
Until later . . .
This question has crept in and out of my random thoughts since I first saw the posting as this is a very timely question for me. What if I couldn't fail . . .
When I think of the possibility of not failing my immediate thought is, "Oh, what a great world that would be to live in." The idea of not being able to fail sounds like Utopia.
After basking in the idea of this Utopia for a bit my mind then came around to the reality, that even Utopia most likely has its flaws and I'm not 100% sure it's a place I would want to take up residence after all. . .
For me, the problem with idea of not being able to fail is that it wouldn't allow me truly to know what it means to succeed. No matter how much I wish for things to be easy, I believe that though the destination is important it is the journey there that makes it meaningful. Sometimes that meaning includes experiencing failure before experiencing success.
The other problem I have with this idea of not being able to fail is there are few things that I haven't gone after because I was afraid to fail. As a result I can't begin contemplate what there would be to go after in this ideal scenario. (Ok, maybe something really far fetched, but I'm trying to stay grounded somewhat.)
Those that have known me for a many years know more often than not I try to defy the odds that are against me. However, over the past year I surrendered this part of myself and let the odds define who I was and what I went after.
That part of my life is over.
And I'm glad it's over. It wasn't me. I wanted to be me because I felt it was an easier path to ride then the one I really wanted to take. From this experience I learned that it is sometimes harder to ride the perceived "easy path" than the one you knew you're meant to be on; the path that may hold a greater potential for failure.
To quote Beverly Sills - an American operatic soprano, - "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try."
After my year of not trying, I would agree with Ms. Sills.
For several weeks I've been starting to work towards something that I once thought was not an option for me. Something I had told myself I couldn't do. Something I was afraid to take on because I was afraid of failing.
As I near the end of the first part of this journey, there is still a part of me that wonders about the outcome. What if it is not how I wish it to be? What if I fail? I've had my moments over the past couple of days with these concerns. I've even considered quitting without even trying only to come back to the same place I always do - it's not me to just give up. In the end I keep reminding myself that I am doing my part and fate does the rest. Should the outcome of current journey not turnout with the desired result, I will not feel as though I have failed. For at the very least I will have succeeded merely because I tried.
Until later . . .
Late Night Thoughts
Just a few things floating around in my mind this fine evening . . .
• I have no baseline to compare against which means I don't know exactly how much I've improved. That said, I believe I've improved.
• I need the words to start flowing ASAP!
• I didn't want to ease-drop, but how could I not? They were talking loud enough and the viewpoints were so extreme.
• The past couple of weeks have been a journey in and of itself. No matter what happens, I will appreciate what I've learned from this experience.
• Ice skating at an ice rink is a lot more fun than ice skating in a parking lot - without ice skates.
• I'm starting to think having a Plan B.5 might be a good idea.
• Who would have ever guessed my new favorite place would be the quiet room?!
• For that matter, who would have ever guessed I would love logic puzzles as much as I do?!
• It's amazing how much can happen in just three months.
• My iPod has an attitude problem.
• "Conservatively Optimistic" - you heard it here first folks!
• I realize this is suppose to be a knitting blog, but I don't really knit these days.
• For some reason, the people I expect to care the least are some of the ones that care the most. It's funny how that works.
• "And I wonder if I ever cross your mind . . ." ~ Lady Antebullum
Until later . . .
• I have no baseline to compare against which means I don't know exactly how much I've improved. That said, I believe I've improved.
• I need the words to start flowing ASAP!
• I didn't want to ease-drop, but how could I not? They were talking loud enough and the viewpoints were so extreme.
• The past couple of weeks have been a journey in and of itself. No matter what happens, I will appreciate what I've learned from this experience.
• Ice skating at an ice rink is a lot more fun than ice skating in a parking lot - without ice skates.
• I'm starting to think having a Plan B.5 might be a good idea.
• Who would have ever guessed my new favorite place would be the quiet room?!
• For that matter, who would have ever guessed I would love logic puzzles as much as I do?!
• It's amazing how much can happen in just three months.
• My iPod has an attitude problem.
• "Conservatively Optimistic" - you heard it here first folks!
• I realize this is suppose to be a knitting blog, but I don't really knit these days.
• For some reason, the people I expect to care the least are some of the ones that care the most. It's funny how that works.
• "And I wonder if I ever cross your mind . . ." ~ Lady Antebullum
Until later . . .
Snowmageddon 2011: Part 2
Up until today I had never experienced blizzard conditions as we are currently experiencing. Or, at least that I can recall. A good friend of mine asked me where I was in 1979. My reply, "I was 4." (My friend is about 25 years older than I.) Then she asked where I was in 1999. The answer: Texas.
When I went to sleep last night it was hard to ignore the sound of the high winds, but I did. I also took the perspective ignorance is bliss which meant I didn't look outside to see how much the snow was piling up. I just didn't want to know.
However, this morning was a different story. My first instinct was to take a walk and survey the damage. At first, I did this with only my iPod in hand so I could listen to some tunes. Not to far into said walk I decide to take this video footage ...
Then I decided I needed to stop kidding myself. What I really wanted was to take some pictures . . .

Though I had my camera with me, I didn't spend the whole time capturing what was taking place. I also spent time just taking everything in and talking with the other folks who were out and about as well. One woman walked in knee high snow to get to the metra station. When we crossed paths she was trying to make her way out of said snow to cross the street. I ran into a local coffee shop worker as she shoveled the sidewalk so patrons could enter. She wasn't very happy to be there, but I'm sure the guy who walked from across town for coffee was sure glad they were open!
For the most part, the streets were deserted with a few plows here and there. I had to keep this in mind as I wandered down the middle of the road. Thankfully, plow vehicles don't like hitting people and they honk at you if you are in their way. Though it was cold out overall I didn't seem to mind as I was feeling quite peaceful. It was amazing to see my outside world come to a complete standstill.
Before I headed in I decided to check on my car. I figured it would be covered, but I wasn't expecting what I found . . .

Can you guess which is mine? Let me just say, my first reaction was to laugh. Later in the day, a plow came by and started the process of rescuing all the cars in the lot. That's when I made my way outside again to figure out what I needed to do to finish up the job. Since I don't seem to have a shovel of my own, a neighbor helped me out.
I guess that is the other thing that sticks out in my mind about today. Today I have seen more random acts of kindness taking place than I have on any other given day in the past. It's heartwarming to see strangers come together to help one other and it reinforced my belief that in general people are good.
Hope everyone reading this is safe and warm wherever you may be.
Until later . . .
When I went to sleep last night it was hard to ignore the sound of the high winds, but I did. I also took the perspective ignorance is bliss which meant I didn't look outside to see how much the snow was piling up. I just didn't want to know.
However, this morning was a different story. My first instinct was to take a walk and survey the damage. At first, I did this with only my iPod in hand so I could listen to some tunes. Not to far into said walk I decide to take this video footage ...
Then I decided I needed to stop kidding myself. What I really wanted was to take some pictures . . .
Though I had my camera with me, I didn't spend the whole time capturing what was taking place. I also spent time just taking everything in and talking with the other folks who were out and about as well. One woman walked in knee high snow to get to the metra station. When we crossed paths she was trying to make her way out of said snow to cross the street. I ran into a local coffee shop worker as she shoveled the sidewalk so patrons could enter. She wasn't very happy to be there, but I'm sure the guy who walked from across town for coffee was sure glad they were open!
For the most part, the streets were deserted with a few plows here and there. I had to keep this in mind as I wandered down the middle of the road. Thankfully, plow vehicles don't like hitting people and they honk at you if you are in their way. Though it was cold out overall I didn't seem to mind as I was feeling quite peaceful. It was amazing to see my outside world come to a complete standstill.
Before I headed in I decided to check on my car. I figured it would be covered, but I wasn't expecting what I found . . .
Can you guess which is mine? Let me just say, my first reaction was to laugh. Later in the day, a plow came by and started the process of rescuing all the cars in the lot. That's when I made my way outside again to figure out what I needed to do to finish up the job. Since I don't seem to have a shovel of my own, a neighbor helped me out.
I guess that is the other thing that sticks out in my mind about today. Today I have seen more random acts of kindness taking place than I have on any other given day in the past. It's heartwarming to see strangers come together to help one other and it reinforced my belief that in general people are good.
Hope everyone reading this is safe and warm wherever you may be.
Until later . . .
Snowmageddon 2011
As anticipated, Snowmageddon 2011 has hit the Chicagoland area today.
I have to admit, when I left home this morning I was a bit skeptical that we were going to get hit so hard. It looked like just your average snow fall to me. Then I stepped outside. Ok, so it was snowy and windy. Honestly, this just reminded me of the Bears/Patriots game I was at back in December. However, by the time I was leaving the city this afternoon, folks were fleeing as if the city was being invaded.
Upon my arrival home, I decided to grab my camera and see what photos of this great snowfall. Someone has to document this awesomeness, right?!
Here are a few images I captured:

Until later . . .
I have to admit, when I left home this morning I was a bit skeptical that we were going to get hit so hard. It looked like just your average snow fall to me. Then I stepped outside. Ok, so it was snowy and windy. Honestly, this just reminded me of the Bears/Patriots game I was at back in December. However, by the time I was leaving the city this afternoon, folks were fleeing as if the city was being invaded.
Upon my arrival home, I decided to grab my camera and see what photos of this great snowfall. Someone has to document this awesomeness, right?!
Here are a few images I captured:

Until later . . .
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froggie knits like crazy by Tracey M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at www.froggieknitslikecrazy.com.