

"Lose Yourself"

There is great emotion wrapped around this week's Thursday blog topic . . .

This week, Mom of Many - Susanna - asked us: What is your theme song? Is this song always your theme song or does it change based on the circumstances?

To date I believe I've written on this topic at least twice. Once during last year's blog project and, more recently, in May during the 30 days of Music Challenge. However, this time around I have yet another song to discuss.

So why do I say there is emotion wrapped around this topic?

When we got the topic for this week I was excited to write about it. The song I choose is one I've been listening to for years. When it was released in 2002 I was going through my second running phase. Back then I didn't have an MP3 player that allowed me to constantly loop the song so I was always thrilled to hear it when it came on the radio while I was running.

Recently, as I'm getting back into running this is a song I listen to often - especially when I'm at the point I want to just give-up. This song inspires me to stay in the game. (I think I once looped this song three times in a row during a run.)

On Tuesday evening I got some news that I was not pleased to receive. Actually it upset me a lot and it made me feel like somewhat of a failure. That's when my excitement towards writing this post did a 360. I wasn't sure how I was going to genuinely write about this song yet feel like I did about the news I received.

See, the song I choose is Eminem's "Lose Yourself."

Aside from having intense lyrics and a great beat the message of the song comes across crystal clear to me. It speaks to my tenacious nature. As a result, it inspires me.

My favorite line of the song is:

"Success is my only motherfucking option; failures not."

Profanity aside, I actually will scan back (or forward) to that spot in the song because it moves me so much. I keep it in the back of my mind when things get tough and I'm ready to give-up.

So I return back to the question: How do I write about this song that inspires me yet still stay true to how I am feeling? Furthermore - How do I write about this song when I sit here trying to determine if it is time to give-up? How will I write about this song when I don't know how it fits into this situation?

Thankfully it hasn't taken me long to come-up with some answers to the dilemma at hand. I'm beginning to find success within the perceived failure. I guess if anything, all this has taught me to dig deeper and to go beyond the surface of things.

I repeat: "Success is my only motherfucking option; failures not."

So, "Lose Yourself!"

Now that I have shared with you my life theme song, please take a moment to check out what my other fellow bloggers have to say about their life theme songs:

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Momarock (Sara)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Sara said...

You and I both wrote about a song that inspires us while running... I can see why this one is inspiring. I'm a big fan of E. He doesn't give up and he keeps coming back. A good role model to follow, especially with your runs.

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