

Ravelympics 2008

So I decided as a challenge to myself I would participate in the Ravelympic 2008 Summer event.

What is this you ask?

Put simply, Ravelry is an online knitting community I belong to and they put forth a simple yet difficult challenge - "Your challenge should you choose to accept it, is to start and finish a project during the 2008 Olympic Summer Games." Sound easy doesn't it!? Well, the catch is that it has to be something that is a challenge to do. That could mean finishing the Work in Progress (WIP) that has been sitting in the closet for three year or start a whole new project all together.

As for my challenge - a scarf and hat. This is the first "fancy" scarf I've done and I've never made a hat before so it should be interesting.

I have actually finished my scarf. I casted-on the scarf at 7AM (when the opening ceremonies were taking place in Beijing) on Friday, August 8, 2008. I finished my scarf at 8PM on Tuesday, August 12, 2008. I didn't finish it as quickly as I would have liked, but considering all I have going on I don't think that is too bad. Here's the link to picture on my flickr page:

I casted-on the hat at 8:05PM on Tuesday, August 12, 2008 and am currently working on the brim of the hat. (Pictures coming soon!)

That's all for now!

Happy Knitting!

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