It started out really simple. . . Some family I've rarely spoken to over the years are going to be in town for the high holidays so there was going to be a "small" brunch so we could catch up. Well, I was just informed our "small" brunch has apparently morphed into something larger. I had no idea I had so many relatives. I'm going to see people I haven't seen in at least 20 years or more. . . . or even met in my lifetime. The last time some of these people saw me I was a little girl with pig tails. I'm sure it will be a fun time.
Nothing else to report. Ta! Ta!
I Called It!
A good friend of mine is pregnant and just found out the gender of their baby today. Before I go any further I would like to say I do believe the most important thing when someone is pregnant is that both mom and baby are healthy (which they both are). That said, I did go on record with my friend prior to the ultrasound as to my gender prediction since I hold a very good prediction record - 9 out of 10 pregnancies since 2005. I can now add a baby blanket and other knitted baby items to my project list with specific colors in mind. Thankfully, the baby is due in February so I have some time.
Speaking of baby blankets, I'm making decent progress with the blanket for the December arrival. . .

The blanket was taken out of hibernation, briefly, while I waited for my sock yarn. The yarn arrived today so the blanket will be in hibernation once again as soon as I find a ball winder to make some cakes.

I have so much to do to prepare for the second half of my week. Sometimes I don't know where the time goes. It's hard to believe October starts this week. October has always signified the start of the busiest time of the year for me. From now until the end of the year there are at least half a dozen b-days taking place, the holidays, etc. - and this is just personal things.
That's all for now. . . Ta! Ta!
Oh, BTW - In case you were interested - It's a Girl!
Speaking of baby blankets, I'm making decent progress with the blanket for the December arrival. . .
The blanket was taken out of hibernation, briefly, while I waited for my sock yarn. The yarn arrived today so the blanket will be in hibernation once again as soon as I find a ball winder to make some cakes.
I have so much to do to prepare for the second half of my week. Sometimes I don't know where the time goes. It's hard to believe October starts this week. October has always signified the start of the busiest time of the year for me. From now until the end of the year there are at least half a dozen b-days taking place, the holidays, etc. - and this is just personal things.
That's all for now. . . Ta! Ta!
Oh, BTW - In case you were interested - It's a Girl!
8 Mile
I'm not talking about Eminem. I'm talking about this weekend's walk. Yes, I walked 8 miles this go around.
This time knitting was not on my mind: Instead, my mind was focused on the next week or two that is ahead of me. On Tuesday, the Jewish New Year begins and not too long after Yom Kippur will be upon us. Though I'm not very religious, these two holidays do get me thinking about the prior 12 months; they always have. I think about the good times, the bad times and the things I learned from both. Given that 2008 overall has been a difficult year, my thoughts are especially focused on the past 8/9 months. There is a lot to be learned from these events. My mind floats back briefly to this time last year and what my biggest concerns were then - comparing them to the concerns this past year. I think a lot about loss the I have experienced this year. The actual deaths of two friends. I wasn't super close to either of these individuals, but alas people I cared about and wished I had had more communication and time with. Two extraordinarily decent people for whom this world will surely feel their loss. The mourning and loss of other relationships - special relationships. Relationships that were very important to me and have forever changed my life. All of these events will never be forgotten. I think about forgiveness. What does it mean to me? Is it something one should ask for or rather give to someone as a way to heal ones own soul? I think about understanding. I think about the past and future - the things we cannot change, the realities and the possibilities. I think about trust. Is it something to be given freely and taken away when one proves you wrong OR is it something to give sparingly until someone proves themselves worthy of more? I think of selflessness.
I know this is all deep for a blog that was originally started as a way to chronicle ones knitting projects and accomplishments. It was in no way intended to be any more or less than that. However, it appears that it is turning into more than that - at least at this moment.
I'll leave you with this that came off a e-card I received today for Rosh Hashanah. . .
"As you reflect upon your life this Rosh Hashanah,
May you feel joy in your strength ,
May you feel happiness in your success,
May you feel promise in your dreams."
My hope for you is: May many good things come your way this year and may you be sealed in the book of life. L’shanah Tova!
This time knitting was not on my mind: Instead, my mind was focused on the next week or two that is ahead of me. On Tuesday, the Jewish New Year begins and not too long after Yom Kippur will be upon us. Though I'm not very religious, these two holidays do get me thinking about the prior 12 months; they always have. I think about the good times, the bad times and the things I learned from both. Given that 2008 overall has been a difficult year, my thoughts are especially focused on the past 8/9 months. There is a lot to be learned from these events. My mind floats back briefly to this time last year and what my biggest concerns were then - comparing them to the concerns this past year. I think a lot about loss the I have experienced this year. The actual deaths of two friends. I wasn't super close to either of these individuals, but alas people I cared about and wished I had had more communication and time with. Two extraordinarily decent people for whom this world will surely feel their loss. The mourning and loss of other relationships - special relationships. Relationships that were very important to me and have forever changed my life. All of these events will never be forgotten. I think about forgiveness. What does it mean to me? Is it something one should ask for or rather give to someone as a way to heal ones own soul? I think about understanding. I think about the past and future - the things we cannot change, the realities and the possibilities. I think about trust. Is it something to be given freely and taken away when one proves you wrong OR is it something to give sparingly until someone proves themselves worthy of more? I think of selflessness.
I know this is all deep for a blog that was originally started as a way to chronicle ones knitting projects and accomplishments. It was in no way intended to be any more or less than that. However, it appears that it is turning into more than that - at least at this moment.
I'll leave you with this that came off a e-card I received today for Rosh Hashanah. . .
"As you reflect upon your life this Rosh Hashanah,
May you feel joy in your strength ,
May you feel happiness in your success,
May you feel promise in your dreams."
My hope for you is: May many good things come your way this year and may you be sealed in the book of life. L’shanah Tova!
But I had a Damn Good Time Doin' It!
No knitting talk tonight. . .
I think I officially bought myself a few more weeks chained to my arm brace this fine evening. How you ask? Try bowling - many, many, many games of bowling. Others have other pictures of me, but this is the only one that was taken with my camera.

I also had to record the first strike I got -

I had many close calls as you can see. This wasn't one of my better games, but I had a good time anyhow. I actually got a strike on the next game as well. I know there is at least one or two more pics of my stellar bowling. As soon as I get them I will post them.
A great time was had by all! To top it off it was a good night for baseball as well! The Chicago Cubs beat the New York Mets 9 to 6. Not a shut out, but still a win! Other games being monitored this evening - Milwaukee v Pittsburgh (Mil won 4 to 2),Boston Red Soxs v Cleavland Indians (Red Soxs win 5 to 4) and lastly Chicago White Soxs v Minnisota Twins (Min wins 3 to 2). Like I said, a good night for baseball!
I'm beat so I'm keeping tonight's entry brief.
Ta! Ta!
I think I officially bought myself a few more weeks chained to my arm brace this fine evening. How you ask? Try bowling - many, many, many games of bowling. Others have other pictures of me, but this is the only one that was taken with my camera.
I also had to record the first strike I got -
I had many close calls as you can see. This wasn't one of my better games, but I had a good time anyhow. I actually got a strike on the next game as well. I know there is at least one or two more pics of my stellar bowling. As soon as I get them I will post them.
A great time was had by all! To top it off it was a good night for baseball as well! The Chicago Cubs beat the New York Mets 9 to 6. Not a shut out, but still a win! Other games being monitored this evening - Milwaukee v Pittsburgh (Mil won 4 to 2),Boston Red Soxs v Cleavland Indians (Red Soxs win 5 to 4) and lastly Chicago White Soxs v Minnisota Twins (Min wins 3 to 2). Like I said, a good night for baseball!
I'm beat so I'm keeping tonight's entry brief.
Ta! Ta!
Anything can happen!
The DRT race is really close! It appears first and second place are pretty much decided. However third is up for grabs and my team actually has a chance. I was very fortunate to get on such a great team. That's all! I just had to comment as I was quickly checking the status before I got started for the day.
Ta! Ta!
Ta! Ta!
Ask and You Shall Receive. . .
Or at least that is the way it appears.
I learned today that I will more than likely have several days off before the end of the year. Though many people usually embrace this news, I wasn't so thrilled (I'm more of a take a day here and there kind of gal). Then a few of my friends reminded me how I was commenting I needed more knitting time to complete everything I wanted to do and this would be my opportunity. Damn them! Note to Self - Get friends who don't remember that you mentioned you needed more knitting time. Seriously, I am starting to warm up to the idea.
On another note, I started my second sock. It's knitting up A LOT faster than the first one. I guess that is what happens when you knit a pattern a second time. I grossly under estimated how much yarn I was going to need for this project. Amateur move I presume. So I am in need of more of this fine yarn. Today was busy so I wasn't able to call the store I purchased it at to see 1) if they still have it and 2) if it's still on sale or if they would be kind enough to give me the sale price I originally paid. I bought it at 40% off originally - What? You think I paid full price!? I look for bargains wherever I can and yarn is no exception! Aside from getting another discount, I'm hoping the dye lot isn't too off. Oh well! No matter how it turns out I will always fondly remember this pair (experience) as it is a first. I also know these will be my "warm winter socks" for years to come. Oh, and if you were wondering if I'm wearing the one sock again . . . . I am! Only those that know me well can picture this dorkiness in action and laugh because it's such a "me" thing to do. I make no apologies for my actions : D My last "sock" related comment for the evening is that I now understand why other knitters say knitting a pair of socks for another person is something you only do for someone really special. There is a lot of time, energy and love that go into them - you don't do that for just anyone. Sounds cheesy I know, but so true!
Shifting gears . . . .
I was doing a few pattern searches on Ravelry and came across a super cute stuffed frog pattern. I think that will be a 2009 project. Right now I'm more interested in finding a stuffed cow pattern as I have a family member who LOVES cows and their b-day is approaching soon. There is no way I can have it done for their b-day, but I could at least start working on it and mail it as a belated gift at a later date!
I learned this past week that a good friend of mine who lives in WI is also a knitter. I've known her for several years so it's nice to find an "old" friend that shares the same passion. We swapped Ravelry usernames and blog addresses. I was telling her how I plan to learn to dye yarn once it gets colder out and I'm stuck indoors due to the snow. There are several colorways that I want, but can't find in yarn shops. I plan to use some Wilton food dyes I got this past Feb/March for my first yarn dyeing attempt. Should be fun and interesting.
I'm happy to report that my wrist is doing much better and my six weeks of wearing the arm brace is almost finished. Yay! One may be showing up on my other arm for the same symptoms, but I don't think for as long as need as much as this go around. All this isn't super fun, but the alternative is even less fun so I've been fine dealing with the annoyance for a few weeks in order to avoid surgery. I have enjoyed getting others opinions regarding my treatment plan. There are several people I've encountered with very strong opinions on this topic.
I think that is all the randomness I can dish for now! I promise I'll have new pictures soon. I thought I had pictures of the baby blanket I started working on (that is now hibernating for awhile) however I searched all my memory cards and no such luck. Guess that means I need to take more pictures.
Until later, happy knitting! Ta! Ta!
I learned today that I will more than likely have several days off before the end of the year. Though many people usually embrace this news, I wasn't so thrilled (I'm more of a take a day here and there kind of gal). Then a few of my friends reminded me how I was commenting I needed more knitting time to complete everything I wanted to do and this would be my opportunity. Damn them! Note to Self - Get friends who don't remember that you mentioned you needed more knitting time. Seriously, I am starting to warm up to the idea.
On another note, I started my second sock. It's knitting up A LOT faster than the first one. I guess that is what happens when you knit a pattern a second time. I grossly under estimated how much yarn I was going to need for this project. Amateur move I presume. So I am in need of more of this fine yarn. Today was busy so I wasn't able to call the store I purchased it at to see 1) if they still have it and 2) if it's still on sale or if they would be kind enough to give me the sale price I originally paid. I bought it at 40% off originally - What? You think I paid full price!? I look for bargains wherever I can and yarn is no exception! Aside from getting another discount, I'm hoping the dye lot isn't too off. Oh well! No matter how it turns out I will always fondly remember this pair (experience) as it is a first. I also know these will be my "warm winter socks" for years to come. Oh, and if you were wondering if I'm wearing the one sock again . . . . I am! Only those that know me well can picture this dorkiness in action and laugh because it's such a "me" thing to do. I make no apologies for my actions : D My last "sock" related comment for the evening is that I now understand why other knitters say knitting a pair of socks for another person is something you only do for someone really special. There is a lot of time, energy and love that go into them - you don't do that for just anyone. Sounds cheesy I know, but so true!
Shifting gears . . . .
I was doing a few pattern searches on Ravelry and came across a super cute stuffed frog pattern. I think that will be a 2009 project. Right now I'm more interested in finding a stuffed cow pattern as I have a family member who LOVES cows and their b-day is approaching soon. There is no way I can have it done for their b-day, but I could at least start working on it and mail it as a belated gift at a later date!
I learned this past week that a good friend of mine who lives in WI is also a knitter. I've known her for several years so it's nice to find an "old" friend that shares the same passion. We swapped Ravelry usernames and blog addresses. I was telling her how I plan to learn to dye yarn once it gets colder out and I'm stuck indoors due to the snow. There are several colorways that I want, but can't find in yarn shops. I plan to use some Wilton food dyes I got this past Feb/March for my first yarn dyeing attempt. Should be fun and interesting.
I'm happy to report that my wrist is doing much better and my six weeks of wearing the arm brace is almost finished. Yay! One may be showing up on my other arm for the same symptoms, but I don't think for as long as need as much as this go around. All this isn't super fun, but the alternative is even less fun so I've been fine dealing with the annoyance for a few weeks in order to avoid surgery. I have enjoyed getting others opinions regarding my treatment plan. There are several people I've encountered with very strong opinions on this topic.
I think that is all the randomness I can dish for now! I promise I'll have new pictures soon. I thought I had pictures of the baby blanket I started working on (that is now hibernating for awhile) however I searched all my memory cards and no such luck. Guess that means I need to take more pictures.
Until later, happy knitting! Ta! Ta!
That is adjective I would use to describe how my feet are feeling right now . . . and rightfully so! I took two walks this weekend (six and seven miles respectively). It was good exercise and I have to admit knitting was on my mind some during the four hours of walking (two hours each day). I spent a lot of time otherwise this weekend working on the first of the two full-size socks I'm working on. Yes, I finished it! No pictures just yet. I want to get the second one done before I blog about sock knitting. I will say as I sit and type I am wearing the first sock. I feel kind of dorky, but overall proud of my accomplishment. Especially since this time last year I was knitting absolutely nothing as I had finished the latest and greatest baby blanket.
I spent a lot of time this weekend considering what was realistic to accomplish by November and December as I have a laundry list of gifts I want to make. The list looks something like this (individuals to receive said items not revealed in case they are stalking my blog):
- Scarf
- Socks (for myself and another)
- Multiple toddler hats, scarfs and socks
- Baby Blanket for December arrival
- Two Kids Yamulkahs
- Charity Blanket
It doesn't look like a long list, but considering the length of time it takes to knit some of these items I would be pushing it. I'm hoping to have a more realistic (along with my second sock) done by early October at the latest.
I have to say I never thought I'd ever be planning out knitting projects. Knitting again was originally just a way for me to occupy time while I was unemployed and looking for a job back in early '07. Now it's become so much more.
I'm sure there is more to report or a picture to be posted however it's late and I should be getting some sort of sleep. So for now . . . Ta! Ta!
I spent a lot of time this weekend considering what was realistic to accomplish by November and December as I have a laundry list of gifts I want to make. The list looks something like this (individuals to receive said items not revealed in case they are stalking my blog):
- Scarf
- Socks (for myself and another)
- Multiple toddler hats, scarfs and socks
- Baby Blanket for December arrival
- Two Kids Yamulkahs
- Charity Blanket
It doesn't look like a long list, but considering the length of time it takes to knit some of these items I would be pushing it. I'm hoping to have a more realistic (along with my second sock) done by early October at the latest.
I have to say I never thought I'd ever be planning out knitting projects. Knitting again was originally just a way for me to occupy time while I was unemployed and looking for a job back in early '07. Now it's become so much more.
I'm sure there is more to report or a picture to be posted however it's late and I should be getting some sort of sleep. So for now . . . Ta! Ta!
Train before you leap. . .
Before I "leaped" into the world of sock knitting I took the time to complete two "training socks."
This is the first one. . .

This is the second one. . .

Personally I saw a lot of improvement from the first to the second however I like the colors of the first MUCH better.
So what's next? Yes, that is correct! A full-size sock.

I'm nervous and excited all at once!
In other knitting news, I received two RAK gifts from my Ravelry Random Acts of Kindness group the past few days. Between the crummy weather and other frustrations they were nice pick-me-ups!
From imafishtank (

From Blakdove (

Another RAK that I received since I first joined the group, but may not have mentioned in an earlier post is from Anniebananie:

I truly do appreciate everyone's generosity!
That's all for today. Ta! Ta!
This is the first one. . .
This is the second one. . .
Personally I saw a lot of improvement from the first to the second however I like the colors of the first MUCH better.
So what's next? Yes, that is correct! A full-size sock.
I'm nervous and excited all at once!
In other knitting news, I received two RAK gifts from my Ravelry Random Acts of Kindness group the past few days. Between the crummy weather and other frustrations they were nice pick-me-ups!
From imafishtank (
From Blakdove (
Another RAK that I received since I first joined the group, but may not have mentioned in an earlier post is from Anniebananie:
I truly do appreciate everyone's generosity!
That's all for today. Ta! Ta!
DRT or Bust!
Well my leg of DRT has come and gone. However, the competition is still taking place so I still have a team to support. I took a few pictures of the DRT box and its contents. However, for privacy reasons I'm not posting a majority of them :( (yes, i know that is a funny reason considering I'm blogging). . . However, I did take a few pictures of the box decor to share -

Thanks to Jen for the wings! Before I sent the box off I packed it with FROG POWER. I was so excited to get the box in the mail I forgot to take picture of my addition to the box and its contents. However, I've been assured that once it is received at its next destination pictures will be taken.
So what now? Well since the DRT box has come and gone, I am working on getting more of the baby blanket I started awhile back done because next week I'm going to put it down and start working on socks. I've been dying to learn how to knit them and I think now is the time to attack that goal.
That's all for now... Ta! Ta!
Thanks to Jen for the wings! Before I sent the box off I packed it with FROG POWER. I was so excited to get the box in the mail I forgot to take picture of my addition to the box and its contents. However, I've been assured that once it is received at its next destination pictures will be taken.
So what now? Well since the DRT box has come and gone, I am working on getting more of the baby blanket I started awhile back done because next week I'm going to put it down and start working on socks. I've been dying to learn how to knit them and I think now is the time to attack that goal.
That's all for now... Ta! Ta!
Not Much To Report
I've almost finished week two of the arm brace and there is no fingerless gloves or cozy for it to report. I have to admit it's not due to lack of time, or yarn (though figuring out what color I'd use is an important decision as I don't know if I'd want to make several of them). It's mainly been a lack of energy. I have a personal matter that is distracting me (even when I don't have to deal with it) and takes away my desire to knit (or at least to knit anything that takes some real thought and effort on my part). Since this is the case I decided to start one of the two baby blankets I have slated on my project list. One is for a December due day (picture below) and the other February (I can't believe I'm planning for February already).

For Baby Boy Silverman
It's nice that these two arrivals are coming during the winter because it will make finishing these blankets more comfortable as I've found having a completed blanket draped across your legs in the middle of May is a tad warm for my liking.
While pulling the file for the blanket I realized I finished the hat for my great nephew. I call it more the "test hat" because I have to send it to his mom to see how it fits - too small, too large, just right. Then I will make tweaks accordingly and knit several more for him so his little hairless head won't be cold this winter.

That's all I can think of for now... Happy knitting! Ta! Ta!
For Baby Boy Silverman
It's nice that these two arrivals are coming during the winter because it will make finishing these blankets more comfortable as I've found having a completed blanket draped across your legs in the middle of May is a tad warm for my liking.
While pulling the file for the blanket I realized I finished the hat for my great nephew. I call it more the "test hat" because I have to send it to his mom to see how it fits - too small, too large, just right. Then I will make tweaks accordingly and knit several more for him so his little hairless head won't be cold this winter.
That's all I can think of for now... Happy knitting! Ta! Ta!
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froggie knits like crazy by Tracey M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at