

DRT or Bust!

Well my leg of DRT has come and gone. However, the competition is still taking place so I still have a team to support. I took a few pictures of the DRT box and its contents. However, for privacy reasons I'm not posting a majority of them :( (yes, i know that is a funny reason considering I'm blogging). . . However, I did take a few pictures of the box decor to share -

Thanks to Jen for the wings! Before I sent the box off I packed it with FROG POWER. I was so excited to get the box in the mail I forgot to take picture of my addition to the box and its contents. However, I've been assured that once it is received at its next destination pictures will be taken.

So what now? Well since the DRT box has come and gone, I am working on getting more of the baby blanket I started awhile back done because next week I'm going to put it down and start working on socks. I've been dying to learn how to knit them and I think now is the time to attack that goal.

That's all for now... Ta! Ta!

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