Why would people wonder this? Well, normally I response quickly to my messages so when I don't there is a tendency of people to think something is wrong. Life surely has had me running around in circles lately.
It's Saturday morning and I still have not heard anything from the yarn shop I called last weekend about the "Sock The Vote" yarn. I hoped my mom would be able to pick it up for me before she returns home, but that probably will not happen since she returns tomorrow. Per the shop, the manufacture was going to ship it out this week. The lady I spoke with at the shop said that they should have it "by the end of the week." In my mind that means by Friday (yesterday). Since my name was on "the list" of requests you would think I would have been called once it arrives. Calling the shop has been on my "to do" list, but I have not had the time to make even a short personal call during the day. I guess if I have to pay shipping for it I will have to pay for shipping. It is what it is.
It became apparent to me this week that I've officially ventured to the "dark side" of knitting. Earlier this week it became clear to me for the first time that knitting has undoubtedly shifted my priorities.
I received an e-mail about mid-week that a rebate I had submitted ages ago (or in real time back in July) finally processed and I would be receiving the prepaid Visa gift card the rebate offered in the mail soon. I was thrilled to see this because I was getting a tad skeptical that I was ever going to get it. What made me realize that my priorities have shifted is when my first thought after reading this email was, "This is great, I have more money for yarn!" Yes people, you read that right. Let's forget the fact that I've recently moved and there are still a TON of things I need to get for my new place. Let's forget the fact that I could just use the card towards my monthly living expenses. No! No! No! That would be too practical. What is the first thing I want to spend this on? YARN! Whether or not that is what I ultimately spend it is soon to be determined.
Last, but not at all least. . . what I'm currently working on.
I never got the Windy City Scarf started this week. I didn't have access to a ball winder and swift so I could cake the beautiful merino yarn which is now currently with a friend for winding and will be returned to me this coming week. Since that was the case I took the baby blanket out of hibernation - again - for a night. However, then I saw my friend's Brangelina Hat. Honestly I was trying to figure out how I could take it home with me without my friend noticing. It was SO freaking warm and comfy. That meant only one thing - I had to make one for me.
Below is the link to the pattern, or as Crazy Aunt Purl calls it "recipe," to this awesome hat:
The Brangelina Hat.
That's all for now. I think it's time to rejoin the world. Until later . . . Ta! Ta!
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