They are Tara Spa Aromatherapy products. I got mine as a gift last year for my birthday. I don't know that I would ever be able to thank the person who got it for me enough. And yes, I do expect that I will get some sort of commission from the Tera Spa people now for every neck and eye pillow they sell because of my plug.
In all seriousness, it was nice to have time to just veg and relax. The fact that I wasn't running somewhere or needing to get something done was nice. It actually motivated me to do some of the cleaning and organizing around my place that I had been avoiding . . . mainly in the form of unpacking some of the "not so super urgent, but it would be nice to know what was in them" boxes that have been sitting around since I moved. BTW - I firmly believe that everyone has those types of boxes sitting around no matter how long they've been living somewhere.
Thought of the Day:
"Advice is like snow --- the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Quote of the Day:
Spoken by my friend "eldashwood" (paraphrased). . .
"Men measure their jeans size by inches; women measure it by grams of fat."
So true! So true!
I found this story on the New York Times website - Say Goodbye to Blackberry? Yes He Can, Maybe - which talks about why President-elect Barack Obama will have to surrender his Crackberry . . . umm. . . I mean Blackberry prior to becoming our 44th President.
I finally took pictures of the completed Drop Stitch Scarf:
I liked how it turned out so much that I started another one using the yarn that was going to be a Windy City Scarf. Depending on how the new one turns out, I will most likely keep the first one and give the second as a gift. Or, maybe I'll give them both as a gift. I guess only time will tell.
I think that's all for now . . . Until later, ciao!
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