

A Little Something About Dream Jobs

I think it was about a year, or so, ago when I saw an article online promoting an upcoming contest for the "ultimate dream job." The exact details of the job itself escape me. The only thing I really remember was that it was located on a tropical island.

After reading the details on this dream job I thought to myself, "Eh, I guess I could see how that might be cool for awhile, but this 'ultimate dream job' is not for me." All this caused me to start thinking about what my dream job would look like. Actually, this topic has been something I've been thinking about for sometime now and the catalyst for project "Life Map 2010/2011.... (possibly) 2012."

So when Sara (Moma Rock), from my blogging group, asked us to write about our dream job for this week's group entry you'd think I wouldn't have had to take a pause and think about what I would write about. Think again!

Like with the $250K Susanna gave us, I took the assignment quite literally. I skipped the part where the word "dream" gave me the right to transport myself into a fantasy world. Instead, I started to think realistically and recapped all the career interests I've had over the years.

This trip down memory lane began with recalling my dream to be a radio personality. I still wonder what would have happened had I auditioned for my high school's radio station all those years back. Would I be a spinning tracks at a local radio station? Or be some big time radio producer? Recently, I became friends with an individual who is in the radio business. Before I could chat her up about the job she said, "It's not as glamorous as it seems." Oh, I'm sure it's not. The reality is that no job is 100% glamorous - no matter what you do. However, it's fun to fantasize and in my world being on the radio sounds like a fun occupation.

Moving on from here I reminisced about the time I got paid to copy. Seriously, that was my job. When I got the temp assignment I thought it would be perfect. When there wasn't anything to copy I could cruise the internet all I wanted. The novelty of that wore off after awhile. This was the job that taught me that I enjoy work that keeps me engaged and challenged.

Then I got to thinking about a period in my life when I was only working part-time. Though my "off days" weren't necessarily days off from finding a full-time job the schedule was nice - even if the pay wasn't.

All said and done, if I had to put together my dream job it would be a situation that would allowed me a somewhat similar schedule as the one I had when I was working part-time. I would live part of my work life in the business world and the other half would be spent pursuing development in creative endeavors such as photography, writing... and maybe even art. I would also use some of this non-business time to continue my various volunteer projects.

Whether you are volunteering, learning a new skill or out in the business world taking names and kicking butt, all "dream jobs" are in fact work - it's unavoidable. I think that is one thing anyone has to remember when drawing-up their personal life map. Just like no person is perfect; no job is either. Maybe this is why I see that it's people aim to find a job that they are passionate about. All said and done, I believe this to be the truly winning component of my dream job.

Now that I have shared my thoughts on dream jobs, take a moment to see what my fellow bloggers have to say about the topic as well:

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

momarock (Sara)

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

i enjoyed reading this!

Anonymous said...

=)good job
i like it

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