

Only Because I Need To Sleep

I try not to write too many "thoughts" posts so close together; however, I'm making an exception because it's been a week and I need to clear my mind... Or, at least try to clear my mind.

• This month has been the month of theories. I have my own theories about things. Maybe that part has to do with the fact that I'm also opinionated - who knows.

Anyhow, most of the theories that have been tossed around amongst my friends have to do with dating. Ah yes, dating ... such a great subject to discuss. One of the girls I met this month said she's at the point with dating that she's putting her brother's theories about dating to the test. Interesting approach.

There is more I can say about theories, but I'm going to leave that I look forward to hearing more theories others feel so inclined to share with me

• I've noticed I write a lot of these lists late on Wednesday evening. I realized this is the case because this is when I start to think about what I'm going to write for my Thursday blogging group post. Or, in other words - I'm procrastinating.

Tonight is not an exception.

• Ok, so there was suckage going on yesterday; however, there was a HELL FROZE OVER moment. Those come so far and few between that I feel the need to pause and recognize them.

Actually I'm shocked my train buddy didn't reply to my text about it because it was he who made an optimistic "joke" that this would happen and then made a serious comment about what turned out to the source of all suckage for the past 24 hours. Or, in other word, what both of us thought would most likely not happened, happened. However, what we both thought would happen, didn't happen.

All this comes down to is - the universe is all twisted upside down, anything is possible and expect the unexpected.

(Why do I feel like this the lesson I said I learned last year?)

• This summer I've spent more time in sundresses than I have in years. I always say I'm a closeted girly girl... well, my girly girl ways are no longer a secret. Kind of scary...

• On that note, I recently learned that running in a dress while carrying a heavy backpack is, well... somewhat challenging.

• I need a derby name. I have a few ideas, but none of them incorporate "froggie" into them and it just feels wrong. Suggestions are welcome.

• Going back to the idea of theories .... A lot of people have theories on what makes me happy... and why I'm happy now. My mom ultimately believes that the only time I'm happy is if I'm dating someone. Sorry mom - that isn't the case. Then there are those that think if I have a job that makes me happy - hmmm . . . strike two.

Ultimately isn't what is most important the fact that someone is happy and not what makes them happy? Food for thought . . .

• Plan C. I don't talk much about "plan c." Or should I say I haven't talked much about plan c?! Either way, it's time to bring it up. (Yes, now I'm circling even farther back - circa November 2010.)

I've spent so much time focusing on plan b that plan c just became a joke to laugh at when I shared the story of plans a, b and C. Yesterday and today there has been a lot of talk about "plan c" as it applies to my life AND in a another context. I mean, who really picks-up there life, put it all in a storage locker and then goes to travel the world without a real purpose in mind?

I use to laugh when I thought of plan c, now I don't. Not because of how it applies to my life directly, but how it is taking on a life of it's own in an unexpected way. There is that word again - unexpected.

Life is funny like that . . .

• I'm still in search of an EPIC hamburger. In the meantime, I'm eating a lot of ok burgers. One day I will force myself to sit down and Yelp all the places I've been in 2011 which includes all these hamburger places.

I just hope that I can find somewhere in the Chicagoland area and it won't take a trip to LA to find a good burger. Not that I don't want to go to LA. I would just like to find a local place I can visit on a more regular basis.

• I've decided on a race that I'm going to make my first 5K. I say first because there is a second one planned for March. I think I'm repeating myself from my last "thoughts" post, but I could be wrong. No, I am in fact repeating myself.. oh well!

Either way, I'm amazed how this whole running thing has taken on a life of it's own. I am truly addicted. I want to run every night,but I don't. Also, all this running inspired one of my friends to start running which I think is cool. Or, at least I think it inspired them ... I could be wrong.

• I have tan lines on my feet. I didn't know you could get tan lines on your feet. I guess that is what happens when you wear flip flops all day. I know - go me!

• I just realized I haven't been skydiving in two years. That is too long. I may have to call B and schedule a time for us to go jump.

• I'm not allowed to read e-mail late, late at night or when I've had very little sleep. I interpret things a lot different. My sense of humor is typically not present during these times and that can cause a lot of misunderstanding.

I'm sure there is more to write - as always. I will think of it after I hit the "publish" button. However, it's late.

Until later . . .

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