

No Accidents?

“There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

By definition, an "accident" is: a specific, unexpected, unusual and unintended external action, which occurs in a particular time and place, with no apparent and deliberate cause but with, marked effects.

By nature, accidents are typically cited with a negative effect or tone. I have yet to hear someone refer to something good or positive as an accident. (Or at least very few things.)

I've brought up the idea that there are "no accidents" once or twice over the past year or so. It is something I was once told and has it has just stuck with me. So, why bring it up once again?

It's not a secret how much I love photography. I believe I've made that pretty clear by now. However, it wasn't until this past summer that I considered taking it to the next level. I guess you can say this is when the first "non-accident" occurred.

I was volunteering at a golf outing for a non-profit organization I'm closely connected with. Though not part of my intended responsibilities, I took my camera with me. I figured I could get some practice any down time I had that day. As it would come to pass, I spent 90% of that day driving around in a golf cart capturing the faces and sites of the day. I happened to over hear the Marketing Director mention she couldn't stay to take pictures and that she would just use the shots that she could get in the few moments she was there. That's when I volunteered my services. At the end of the day, she was very pleased with my work and encouraged me to find work as a photographer's assistant. I was flattered by the compliment; however, didn't really take it seriously. Sure, it would be nice to get paid to take pictures, but I just didn't see that happening for me. About two months later, the Marketing Director contacted me about taking pictures for another event they were having. This time, it would be a paid gig. Let's just say I jumped at the opportunity. I was thrilled. No, I was elated. It wasn't a lot of money, but it was nice to get paid for something that didn't feel like work.

Fast forwarding another two months. I was walking by a photography studio I had passed many times before when I decided, out of the blue, to go in and see if they needed help. I guess I figured the worst they would say was "No" and nothing would be different than it was before. Actually, what I expect was that they would say no. However, they didn't say no. Instead, we worked out what I can only describe as an apprenticeship of sorts. Basically, when I can, I get to shadow a professional photographer. The individual in question has a wealth of knowledge to share and he is more than happy to do so.

The owner of the studio hasn't seen any of the photographs I've taken. Yet, she keeps telling me that I will be a great photographer. She's decided to take me under her wing based upon blind faith. According to her, it was no accident that I came into the studio on the day I did. I was meant to be there.

I'm not sure what I make of all this. This all just transpired a few weeks ago and I'm still processing it. Actually, I'm trying to figure out what I want out of all this. I don't know that this is something I wish to pursue on a full-time basis. However, I do know I enjoy photography and think it would be cool if I could make a little bit of extra money off this skill. At this moment in time I'm just going with the flow and taking things as they come. (No big plans to retire doing this.)

What intrigues me more is the idea concept of "there are no accidents." I know several people who would tell me, or anyone else for that matter that such a thing doesn't exists. I can understand why one might say that. It's a control thing. (Trust me, I know a thing of two about wanting to have control over things you can't control.) The thing is, just when I get to a point where I'm not so sure that there are no accidents and I can't believe things just fall into place something happens. Something I can't explain any other way. That's when I start to think... maybe, just maybe there is something to this.

Until later . . .

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