

It Could Be Worse

My week started out with a trip to the emergency room Monday night.

Nothing super serious, but potentially serious enough to warrant a quick trip. When a cut doesn't stop bleeding one gets a bit concerned. Thankfully, a good friend of mine agreed to take me there. After checking in with the main desk my friend and I took a seat. We knew the wait could be awhile. I was fine with this as long as I was provided with some gauze to help soak-up what seemed like the endless flow of blood. I was provided my wish so I fine.

Sitting across from my friend and I was a couple who had been in line behind me when I was checking in. She was 10 weeks pregnant and was bleeding. I guess I should say, her body was in the process of miscarrying. As I sat in my seat patiently waiting, I overheard the woman say to her husband something to the effect of, "If I lose the baby because I'm waiting here . . . " After hearing this, I turned to my friend and whispered what I had over heard. In turn, my friend whispered something to the effect, that had they thought there was a chance they could save the baby she wouldn't be waiting. It broke our hearts. It was evident this woman was upset over the events that were transpiring.

Not too long after this moment, I discovered my cut had stopped bleeding. Guess I didn't wait long enough. That's when I decided I didn't need to see a doctor after all - and not a moment too soon. After making this determination my name was called. I told the nice nurse that I had changed my mind, got my id and insurance card back and my friend and I headed out the door.

The woman who sat across from me is just one of many people in that ER waiting room that evening that made me realize how much worse "it" - whatever it is - could be. It's hard sometimes when it appears the universe is against you to believe that others have it worse than you.

Maybe that is the reason why I couldn't get my cut to stop bleeding Monday night. Maybe this was my brief glimpse that I don't have to that bad after all. Or, have it as bad as I seem to feel I periodically feel I do. If so, I hope that the next time the universe seems to be bitch slapping me, I can remember this moment in time and just roll with the punches rather and know that this too shall pass

Until later . . .


Vicki C. said...

That is a "lesson" I have to re-learn once in awhile myself .... we sometimes need to think about how blessed we really are ... :)

Melissa said...

great post! i hope you never have to go through such an ordeal again though.

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