The goal of a journalist is to answer the who, what, where, when, why and how of any story or person. (Also known as the five w's and one h.) In looking back at prior blog entries I noticed I never answered those questions about myself. Not that it's necessary however if I were on the other end it would be nice to know more about the person behind the words.
Who . . .Am I?Depending on how you look at this question the answer could be short and sweet or long and descriptive manner.
Short and Sweet:I am. . .
* 30-something
* Avid Knitter (shocker!)
* Frog lover (double shocker!)
* Volunteer moderator for several online groups
* Volunteer for several not-for-profit groups
Long and Descriptive:I try to avoid these long and descriptive "about me" sections. I never know what to say so I cut and paste my "standard" jargon.
Here is what you find in the "About Me" section on my Facebook and MySpace profiles:
"I can only think of one thing to put here that would want you to read more about me... I've been skydiving. (That seems to amaze everyone whether they have a desire to do it or not)
Now that I've gotten you to read more, I don't only skydive. I actually have a variety of hobbies that fill my "free" time. Amongst them are photography, comedy improv and, of course, knitting.
I'm thirty-something navigating through this crazy thing we call life. Just when I think I have things figured out I get thrown a curve ball and the game starts allover again.
I am fortunate to have wonderful family and friends. They definitely make the ride WAY more interesting and I don't know what I'd do without them.
I've traveled to some really cool places in- and out-side of the US. Amongst the most interesting are Israel, Ireland and England.
I believe laughter is key in life and I try to do my part by making those around me laugh . . . it's the least I can do."
Yeah. . . so that's it. I feel the "short and sweet" approach suits me better.
What. . .
Is my blog all about?It's mostly about knitting with random stories about my day-to-day life and other things I find interesting mixed in.
Is my obsession with frogs?Ironically I use to think real frogs were gross and disgusting. In my 5th grade Biology class we had Tadpoles in our class room. As expected, before we knew it they were full-grown frogs and it freaked the shit out of me.
Today, I think frogs are beautiful creatures though I still wouldn't hold one. As cartoons and stuff animals they are super cute. I cannot say exactly what got me hooked on collecting and associating with frogs - it just sorta happened. At the end of the day I guess it's just my thing.
Where. . . Will you find me knitting?Almost anywhere. The first public place I ever knit was on the Metra train going to and from work. It was strange because people would stare at me and it made me uncomfortable. Now, I have no problem with knitting in public. It's just what I do. People are surprised to hear I've knit at a bar, or two. Some of my friends think it's weird, but I don't and that is all that really matters. I must say that I have not gotten to the point that I must knit wherever I go - at least not yet. : P
When. . . Did I start knitting?My aunt taught me how to knit when I was in fourth grade however it did not become a regular hobby of mine until I was unemployed back in late 2006/early 2007. Not to long after taking a refresher class I started making baby blankets for those I knew expecting a child. For about the next year and a half all I made was baby blanket (I knew a lot of people expecting).
This past spring I ventured outside the boarders of blankets and explored the many other projects one can knit. I even knit something for myself as well (up to that point I would only knit for other people). I also recently started getting involved in the social aspect of this hobby. I’ve met some truly great people.
Did I start blogging?
Well if you check the archives, I started blogging about knitting back in July. However, this is not my first blog/online journal. Many, many years ago a good friend of mine introduced me to Open Journal and for a while I wrote on that. I've also used LiveJournal as well.
Why . . .
Blog?Why not!? It's sure to get lost in cyberspace, right!?
Seriously, I started this blog as a form of entertainment - pure and simple. I did not really think anyone would take the time to read what I had to say.
How. . .
Much longer will this post go on?Not much longer as I'm almost done.
So, that is a snap shot of me. If there is something that you are wondering that I didn't cover feel free to inquire within.