First I have to start off by saying it's things like this that make me glad I'm a Mac user...
Conficker Virus Alert
As noted in the story, Mac users need not worry about this worm. Funny enough I was talking with someone this week about why I am a dedicated Mac user. They said they priced out a Mac laptop and then looked at a PC. Their final determination was that they'd "save money" with a PC. However, I think if you take into account the money spent for virus programs, time installing said program and time spent fixing your PC should a virus actually make its way into the system you end up spending about as much if not more money on a PC. Just my humble opinion....
After a hectic day at the office I had one thing in mind for this evening - R & R. Up until about a half hour or so ago I didn't do anything move related. This is the first time since Friday. After taking a few shots of my new project bag I sat down to watch Dancing With The Stars and start working on M's second sock. Hopefully I can finish it as quick as I did the first one.
Before I forget, here's a pick of my beautiful project bag:
Yes, it's all about "my colors."
I've had several people offer to help me pack, but I'm hesitant to take them up on their offers. Mainly because the things I really need to take care are things only I can make decisions on.
My vacationing options have just expanded tonight with a friend trying to convince me to travel out there way. I have to admit, it's kind of nice to have options.
Next week Passover begins. It's relatively early this year, but I'm still in amazement that it's here already. I could swear Passover 2008 was just yesterday... Before it starts I need to make sure to pick up a box or two of Matzah. My mom has offered to pick up a few things of my favorite Passover candies. They are sugar coated fruit slices. As I learned last year, they are sold year round however the ones sold this time of year use "kosher for Passover" sugar which is better than the stuff they use other times of the year. All I know is that it's sugary goodness! She's also picking up a box of chocolate covered Matzah. Honestly, I didn't know they made this, but apparently they do. I don't know how much I'm going to like it. Too me it sounds like the equivalent of chocolate Peeps -- which just turns my stomach into knots all together. It will be interesting if I can once again keep Passover as I did last year. It's only 8 days without bread products -- totally doable!
Well, it's late and time for me to get some sleep. Until later . . .