GASP! I know! I'm just as surprised as anyone else is, but from time-to-time this odd phenomenon occurs due to misalignment of the sun, moon and stars. Hopefully this phase passes soon!
I FINALLY made a decision last week as to my living situation. Just in the nick of time too -- people were starting to get concerned that I would soon be homeless. Now it's time for some house mousing.
I have to admit the house mousing process isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Currently there are four piles (for lack of a better term) of stuff going on in my place. They all have a specific purpose:
- To Keep
- To Be Thrown Out
- To Be Donated
- Other (Because there always has to be an "other")
I'm starting to question how many sets of dishes I really need. I have a full set I bought before my last move and then the five of the older set. Yes, that's 15 sets of dishes. Granted that really means the number of times I have to do dishes decreases significantly however, I feel like it's a bit much. I'm also finding that it's not as hard as I thought it would be to stumble upon "mementos" of the past. The RRM doesn't seem to be as bad as once anticipated -- at least for now. *Sigh of Relief*
A good friend of mine has agreed to help me with a sewing project for the new place. The long and the short of it is I need custom panels for one area of the new place and rather than shell out lots of cash for pre-made ones and then have to alter them I figured this would be a great chance for me to learn how to sew. Oh, and face my fear of sewing machines.
On the vacation front, I got approval to take the time I would need to go on my intended vacation - should I decide to execute the plans. *Doin' the Happy Dance!* I just have to make sure it doesn't conflict with my coworkers time off which is not a problem at all. I'm also thinking of taking another quick trip to Boston. Bostonian (my Boston friend) and I talked recently and it got me thinking about how much I enjoyed my last trip there. I started to consider what a nice escape it would be in addition to the main trip I'm considering (cost permitting of coarse!). Also, I've reconnected with a bunch of old friends who live on the east coast so it would be a great time to catch up with them. We'll see. First I think I should get through this move then I'll think about the possibility of a vacation.
Then there is knitting. . . Just because I've been busy with other things in life doesn't mean I've forgotten about knitting. . .
M's first sock fit! WooHoo! It took us awhile to meet up, but we finally did. The sock was a little snug, but that's the way it's suppose to be. M liked the pattern and color way as well. In theory I would have take pics to post, but I didn't. What can I say - I was slackin' that day. I can now start the second sock. Oh, and also write the pattern up so I can replicate it in the future if I so wish.
I also got my second shipment for my sock club. The pattern isn't as intimidating which basically equates to no beading involved in the pattern. The color is so beautiful! So now I am officially two and a half pairs of socks behind. With the warmer weather upon us I don't think I'll be knitting as many pairs of socks. Since I rarely wear socks during the summer and thus there is no need to make many pairs of them. Unless I want to get a head start for the fall. . .
I did, however, join the Mini Sock Swap coming up at the end of April. These things are so freaking cute I couldn't resist. I'm just trying to figure out where I get needles to knit miniature size socks. The pattern calls for size 0 DPNs, but mine are very long ones. I suspect it would be difficult to knit a small sock with them. I'm gonna have to do more research on this.
I received an RAK from KlarinetteGal. She was kind enough to send me a small project bag. The size and color were PERFECT! I was so excited I put M's socks in it right away. (As I always say, it's the small things that make the most differences sometimes)
Last, but not at all least, all these swaps and such have me realizing I haven't been keeping up with my 2009 Knitting Expense tracker as I had planned to. Thankfully I know I haven't spent THAT much recently on knitting related things so I fully expect that when I do get a chance to update it I won't have too many entries.
On that note, until later . . .
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