

Caution Will Robinson, You're About To Enter The RRM Zone

Well, here I am. A week and a half (or so) after I got the news about moving. I have some options of where I might go, but nothing has been solidified. In the meantime I've started to pack - sort of.

Pictures and other hanging items have been taken off the walls and I've started to rummage through miscellaneous drawers. I've also started to organize my yarn stash (yes, the important things). The last time I moved I actually boxed up my yarn as I wasn't keeping it in my storage ottoman like I do now. Also, I'm guessing I didn't have as much yarn as I do now - but that's just a guess. (Ah, yes! The inside workings of a knitter's mind.)

With all this organization and moving on my agenda I have to admit I'm hesitant to go "house mousing" as I have been planning to do because I know it's a first class ticket to the "Relationship Rear-view Mirror (RRM) zone. Honestly, I was starting down that path the other day. It started when I took my cupcake holder out of what has been its home for the past 8 months. I laughed to myself because I remembered how dead-set I was on taking it with me. Seriously - I got upset because of a cupcake holder. Looking back it was a really silly thing to be upset about. I guess it's good that I can get a laugh from it because there are other parts of the past I don't laugh about. Thankfully, I don't cry about them either. Recently, when I think about the past year or so, I also think about all the people I've met and things I've done . . . I wonder if I would have met them, or done them, had my life not changed course. I'm guessing not. I don't even think I'd be writing this blog or be as much into knitting as I am had things turned out differently. I don't like to play "what if" games because they are just that - "what if."

In thinking back and knowing where I am now, I have seen a shift in my mindset. Especially when it came to the one question my friends and family kept asking me about this time last year. Back then I wouldn't exactly give them a straight answer to the question because I knew there was always a possibility my mindset would shift so I'd just say, "If the stars, the moon and the sun all align perfectly and I'm faced with the opportunity I will see where my mind is then, but now I cannot answer that question." I was particularly hesitant to answer the question at the time because my immediate reaction was to say, "Of course not - never. How could you even ask me that?" Yes, the "N" word I try, with much effort, to avoid - never. Even back then I knew that I couldn't say with 100% confidence that I would never consider what people were asking me about.

I know I've been very vague on all this, but as time goes on and I feel comfortable I will relieve more. Until that time comes. . . where does all this leave me? Well, it leaves me with a lot of "house mousing" to do and the anticipation of a lot of reflection. Nothing wrong with that.

... And it always comes back to yarn

I got more yarn yesterday. It was actually a swap package that I've been anticipating for sometime. I feel bad however, because the sender had to send a second package as the original package got lost somewhere between England and my small little community.

What did I receive? The most wonderful Smooshy Dream in Color sock yarn - in the shade of purple of course (it was a purple yarn swap).

The first of Mom's second pair of socks are almost done. Sock knitting is getting super easy and I can practically do it in my sleep at this point. I'm hoping to take, and post, pictures soon of the first completed sock.

Well, that's all for now. I'm sure there is more I can post about, but right now I'm not super chatty.

Until later . . .

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