

It's A Mystery To Me

I let a friend decide which sock I was going to make by posing a simple quesetion - Dream In Color or Socks That Rock? She choose Dream In Color which meant my next pair of socks will be the Sock Knitters Anonymous May Mystery Sock designed by Cookie A. I know . . . I know . . . another Cookie A. pattern. Both pattern options were Cookie patterns. The pattern for the STR came with my November 2009 sock club kit. I guess you can say I'm a bit of a Cookie (A.) Monster lately.

All puns aside, I really liked the pictures of finished socks I've seen thus far. So, I snagged the Dream In Color yarn. Colorway: Visual Purple. During the yarn winding process there was a HUGE yarn barf situation. In retrospect, I believe using my swift would have avoided that problem. If you don't know what "yarn barf" is simply put it is when the yarn gets all tangled and becomes one big, messy knot. The untangling process can be a frustrating one.

After getting everything untangled and caked, I then tried splitting the yarn into two cakes so I could once again make two-at-a-time. Let's just say they definitely aren't the same size and I may need to borrow a few yards from the larger cake as I make my way into the home stretch of this project.

With two cakes in hand I tried starting the pattern. Already I'm thinking part of the mystery of this sock is how to get it started. I'm also starting to wonder if I should even continue down the path of making this sock because I don't seem to be having much luck with any aspect of it thus far. However, my stubborn nature won't let me give up . . . at least not at this time.

It's not that the sock is complex. The "different" thing about it is that it doesn't start with a tradition cuff. It immediately starts off with a chart pattern. I'm sure I'll be fine with the charting once I get going. It's just getting started that seems to be the problem.

In honor of these mystery socks I'm making, I thought I'd put together a "It's a Mystery To Me" list.

So, it's a mystery to me . . .

• Why the theme of infidelity was all I seemed to encounter yesterday - conversations, books and tv talk shows.

• How strangers can become people you really care about without even realizing they have become so important.

• How those you really cared about can become strangers without realizing they have become so.

• Why I loosened the security setting on my Facebook account ultimately allowing more information to be accesses by certain people it wasn't available to before.

• What the purpose to all this is.

• That I can support someones decision even though I don't morally or ethically agree with their actions.

• Why I had to be the one to take care of it.

• Why people get on chat and then put on a "Do not disturb" status message.

• When, and if, this uber-humid weather will ever let up and allow us to really enjoy at least a few days this summer.

• Why I care sometimes.

• What some people have in their lives outside the obvious.

• That I even want to expose myself to it knowing it hits so close to home.

• If I'll ever be able to look beyond the current awkwardness.

• How quickly time passes.

Until later . . .

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