I'm surprised it took my five days to discover all the games I could download onto my new phone. For that matter, I'm surprised it took one of my friends asking what games I've downloaded for me to even consider downloading any games onto it.
Once I started exploring my gaming options, it didn't take me long to pick out at least half a dozen of them. Thus far, these are my favorite:
Cut The Rope:As it was describe to be by Susanna The Short, Cut The Rope has this cute monster named Om Nom that you feed candy.
That's just the basics of the game people. To get the candy to Om Nom you have to cut the rope it hangs from and maneuver it through a variety of obstacles. Additionally, if you wish to maximize your points, collect the gold stars along the way.
Some of the stages are super easy. Others not so much. There are some that took me awhile to figure out as I didn't predict the behavior of the ropes correctly or didn't get the timing right.
I like that it has physics aspect to it coupled with super cute graphics.
(What can I say, I'm a sucker for the adorable monster!)
Angry Birds:This is one of the first games I loaded onto my phone. I knew about this game prior to my friend's inquiry this past weekend due to the fact that my friend D mentioned it after acquiring an iPad a few months ago. The day he got it I was helping him determine what apps he needed. During the discussion he mentioned that he already loaded Angry Birds. My response ... "Angy what?" Apparently this is yet another pop culture phenomenon that I'm behind the curve on.
Simply put, you launch "angry" birds at pigs stationed in various structures. This is one of those games I can't explain why I enjoy playing - I just do.
Prior to playing the game I found this College Humor Cartoon spoofing Angry Birds...
Personally, I loved this video to begin with, but after actually playing AB for awhile it is even more humorous and funny.
(Farmville addicts might get a laugh out of it as well. :D)I have yet to venture into the Angry Birds seasons versions of the game, but I am sure that is just a matter of time.
Paper Toss:We've all tried it at some point! Throwing a piece of crumpled-up paper into a trash can from a distance. At least I know I have. Now you can take the experience on the go!
Seriously, I do love playing this game. The application offers a variety of difficulty levels and locations - office, pub, basement... I also love the background noises and random comments that come from the "background" when you royally miss.
To add to the fun, they have a Paper Toss World Tour that is set in various countries. Just in case you want to mix it up a bit.
Yahtzee:Ok, Yahtzee is not a new game, but it sure is fun.
At this point I can't even tell you how long I've been playing Yahtzee in one form or another. This was the game my boyfriend (at the time) and I played as we made our way across England and Ireland back in 1997.
Over the past couple years, my friend Cantor D and I play Yahtzee online from time-to-time. Though not the same as playing against someone else, the app version is still fun and good to have access to when I need a quick Yahtzee fix.
Sheep Launcher:I downloaded this game because its main character is a sheep. Furthermore, who passes up a chance to see a sheep fly? Even if it's an animated one. I think it's funny and cute all at the same time. Plus it somewhat indulges my interest with sky diving.
Once you launch the sheep into the air, you try to collect as many stars, pillows and a variety of other objects. Also, the higher your sheep goes the more point you get. Or, at least that is my understanding of the game at the moment.
Honestly, what is keeps me most entertained with this game thus far is the funny faces the sheep makes. Apparently sometimes I'm just easily entertained. I'm sure over time I will see if it makes the final cut. (I'm currently playing the free version of this game.) Until then I will enjoy it for what it's worth.
Until later . . .