

Happy Happy Joy Joy

On the lighter side of life, BFF - alternatively known as Mel - and I decided today to pair up for a bit of a Thursday Blog Project reunion (even though today is just Tuesday).

The topic was inspired by a daily challenge project she found through Facebook. The topic - Five Activities That Make You Happy

1."Shake Your Groove Thing"

I love music. I couldn't imagine going through life without it. It's an important part of my life. With my love of music comes a love of dancing. Throughout my life I've taken all kind of dance classes - tap, ballet, jazz, modern... but that is not the type of dancing I'm talking about right now. I'm talkin' about putting on a song that makes you get out of your seat and "shake your groove thing."

This type of dancing has been a big part of my life since I was a kid. One of my favorite memories growing up was kitchen dancing with my mom. My mom always had the radio on when she was making dinner. From time-to-time a song would come on that we'd both absolutely loved and would get us to start dancing. Honestly, I haven't thought about those times in ages. As an adult I always have my iPod with me. I listen to it everywhere - even while I'm grocery shopping. However, music and dancing is especially important to me when I'm going through a stressful time. It's almost mandatory that when experience stress I allow myself time to listen to some tunes and just dance-off the extra energy.

2. Cheese!!!

Photography is another activity that makes me happy. A few months ago this photographer who works at a studio by my place asked me if I liked photography. I replied, "I love photography. My camera is something I could not live without."

For me, there is nothing like capturing an amazing shot. If it weren't my lack of storage space on my memory cards, I would spend even more time than I already do each time I take my camera out.

3. Sunshine

This past November, I dog sat for a good friend of mine. Their dog's name is Sunshine. Originally, my intention for doing this had to do with the fact that I had several appointments in the city this one particular week and rather than going back and forth each day I asked if I could stay at their place. Logistically it made sense. However, my friend informed me they were going to be out of town that week. Jokingly they told me I could stay over while I was away if I would watch their dog for them. Not so jokingly I said agreed. Now, I find this a good time to point out that I'm not really a dog person. I prefer cats. That said, by the end of that week this Sunshine had a special place in my heart. A month later I dog sat for them again when they went out of town on vacation.

The other day I was talking with my mom about dog sitting Sunshine and my mom asked me why I do it. The answer is simple - doing it makes me happy. I also like that I'm helping my friend, but in this case a majority of it has to do with the fact that I enjoy spending time with Sunshine.

4. Helping Others

Along with dog sitting in December I also watched over the home of one of my good friends while her family was on vacation. It wasn't anything too intense. You routine, run-of-the-mill pop by the house to make sure everything looks normal and that no pipes have busted and flooded the place kind of stuff. A few days before the clan was due to arrive home I popped by for my last visit. Upon my arrival I noticed their driveway and sidewalks coated with a few inches of snow that had fallen a few days prior. Though I told not to I shoveled their driveway and sidewalks for them. I figured it would be a nice surprise as I knew my friend was dreading the snow after visiting a warmer climate.

I enjoy doing stuff like this for those I care about. It feels good to do something that I know will make their life just a tad bit easier to manage.

5. Hitting the Trails

One of my all time favorite things to do during the spring, summer and fall is to spend hours on end walking the trails that are near by. Sometimes I'll just keep on keeping on and not stop, while other times I'll stop periodically and take in the scenery around me. This all might sound a little corny, but it's truly relaxing. This summer I'd like to take my pace up a notch and start running. I did this a little last season, but never truly got my full stride back. Guess time will tell!

You can read what Mel has to say on this topic by going to her blog - Me!!!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for taking on this challenge with me. :)
I still remember your dance recitals from our junior high days. :)

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