

A Penny For Your Thoughts

• Watched pots don't boil... and neither do watched status portals. I don't like waiting. Especially when I think I know what the answer is going to be. I'd like my answer now so I can move forward. I'm trying to be patient. Ideally, I will find something to take my attention away from the wait. Any ideas folks?

• It's day 20? Really? I stopped counting. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. If that is the case then I'm just a day away. This week, thus far, there has been no temptation. Is the withdrawal phase over? Could it be that I will never eat chocolate again? Stay tuned!

• Apparently the mechanic is just as picky about where I park my car as the management company.

• How many blog posts can one person write in one evening? I'm attempting to find out!

• She's a licensed attorney and what is she doing? She's a yarn shop owner. I find this a bit humorous. Of course being a yarn shop owner is just plain awesome regardless. If I lived close by I would have asked if she was hiring - even just for a part-time gig. That would be a cool job and she seemed like someone I'd enjoy working with.

• The next couple of evenings are busy, and I should be preparing for them. What am I doing instead? Blogging.

• So far, I'm 2-for-2 on the 2nd Annual Knit/Crochet Blog Week. I'm trying not to use the wild card topic. I hope I can stay the course!

• My heart doesn't hurt anymore. Those four pages did so much more than just help me define my intentions.

• I sincerely hope that this is just a blip in our friendship.

• At what point does one get rid of cable? My TV viewing has decreased vastly.

• I'm trying not to think so many steps ahead. It's hard not to when you have a ton of decisions to make, but so many unknowns. There is a reason for the watched pot. Once the pot boils I will be able to make my next moves.

• A state of calm is a strange state to be in. I appreciate these moments.

• Two down; one more to go. I've been holding off on the third because I have to decided whether or not I want to retake the test again this summer or give myself some more time and take it later this year. If I put it off, I am taking a chance the current results won't have as much of an adverse effect as I think they will.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm glad the four pages were helpful to you.
I used to hate city driving when I went to Chicago. Then one day, I just did it and it was fine. Driving down LSD was so empowering! :) I don't like city driving now that I'm in a new place. I refused to drive in NYC and am not keen on DC driving either.
I am the opposite of you as I watch way too much TV!

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