


In the process of all the chaos in my life I lost track of where I am in my fingerless glove pattern and I discovered a dropped stitch a few rows from where I am now. . . so I'm going to frog the whole thing and start from scratch. Ugh! Funny enough I described knitting as "relaxing" today and right now it doesn't feel that way. With my upcoming move and the Ravelympics coming up I think I may take a pause from the FLG's and come back to them in September. . . then again, I was hoping to be starting my first pair of sock by then. I don't know... we'll see. I really don't want to be working on two project at one time during the Olympics. It's not my style to be unfaithful.

Well, my break from packing is finished. It's time to get back to my boxes.

Ta! Ta! for now...

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