

All Wound Up

The "Going Mad" socks have been finished for sometime. With their completion I decided it was time to start on gift oriented projects. It really started because I decided to make some socks for the birthday of one of my brothers (which happens to be today). When it turned out the yarn I got for that project was defective, I decided to start on my mom's birthday socks while I looked for resolution regarding the defect (the manufacture was suppose to help me out - but that's a side rant). At the end of the day, I wasn't about to let this snag slow down my productivity. After further thought I decided to get all the yarn for all gift I wanted to make wound. The above picture represents five different projects for five different people. The goal is to be able to finish one project and immediately start another.

The yarns shown in this picture are as follows:

• JoJoLand Melody Sock Yarn; Color MS20 (Purple)

• Mirasol Hacho; Color Hunter Combo

• Trekking Hand Art; Color Flame

• Mini Mochi; Color Fern Rainbow

• Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Select Semi-Solid; Color Pesto (in the back)

Yes, you might notice there is A LOT of green going on here. I guess it's the "it" color this year - at least in my little world.

All these yarns will be turned into socks with the exception of the Mirasol. That yarn is being used for fingerless gloves. I can't wait to share the final product with y'all in the coming weeks!

Until later . . .


Going Mad

As I completed the first of the May Sock Knitters Anonymous socks I knew I was going to be taking a break from them.

First and foremost, they were driving me mad - if you couldn't tell by my posts. However, I also knew I had a pair of socks to make for a family member with a upcoming birthday (more on that in a future post), a sock knit along with a friend and that the third installment of the Purple Sheep Sock Club was on the horizon as well. Today is about the Purple Sheep Club . . .

The third installment of the Purple Sheep Club is the pattern "Mad Colorweave" by Tina Lorn. In Rav, they are on my project page as my "Going Mad Socks." I really love this pattern. Despite the fact that the cuff is a little strange and a tad slow-going at first (thankfully I wasn't the only one who had some problems with it) the main repeat pattern itself is super easy and has a great effect.

The yarn we're using Miss Babs Yummy 2-Ply sock yarn (and it is quite Yummy!) in the colorway of Frog Princess. (Yes! That's right folks . . . Miss Babs named a colorway after yours truly. : P)

Here's my socks as of this morning . . .

As of this post, I'd say I'm about halfway through this pair of sock (or, at least I think I'm halfway through. I'm still trying to figure out what is deemed "halfway" when making two socks at one time)

Overall, I'm loving what I see. I'm looking forward to the finished product!

Until later . . .


Small Victory

Today marks the end of my Summer Sock Challenge. In the beginning I dared to dream that I could make 16 pairs of socks in three months. However, the end result is not what I had set out to accomplished. That said, the summer wasn't quite what I imagined either, but I really shouldn't be surprised I guess since I can pretty much say that for some parts of 2010 (but I'll save comments on that for a later, more appropriate time).

Overall, I only made 4 pairs of socks this summer and this . . .

Yep, that's right! The left sock of the Cookie A. Sock Knitters Anonymous May Mystery Sock. Started in early August, it was finished this past Thursday. One sock; one month. And let me tell you . . . I have NEVER been so thrilled just to finish one sock. It has taught me to appreciate small victories.

Due to other projects that need attention, the right sock will need to be completed at a later time. I have the Purple Sheep Sock Club - Kit #3 to start and a birthday gift for later this month and a Dish Rag Tag box is en route to me (and those are just the top three projects on my list at this moment.

With all that said, I hope everyone has had a fantastic - and safe - Labor Day!

Until later . . .
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