

The Story Of My Life?

Here's your task - Figure out what tv show, movie or book is most similar to your life.

Oh, wait a minute! That's not your assignment, that's my assignment. That is what Melissa, from my blogging group, asked us to write about this week.

At first I was very focused on the "tv show" part of this topic. All I could come up with was the show "Modern Family" because I have such a odd, bizarre, different family situation. However, I already wrote about that last week and didn't want to sound like a broken record. (I already feel like I do that too much as it is.) Then I tried to come up with a movie that mirrored my life, but nothing really stood out to me in this category. So I turned to books. Picking a book was the easiest one of all three categories.

S was the person who told me about Meg Cabot's book "Boy Meets Girl." She said when she read it she thought of me. Actually what she really said was that she had just read a book that was "based on my life." She also told me I'd appreciate the style in which the book was written.

Not too long after that conversation I checked out a copy of this book from my local library. Ummm . . . yeah, this book is could very well be based on my life. The main character and I work in the same profession, encounter many of the same professional woes and have interesting romantic dilemmas.

There was one more thing that made this book very "me." The story was not in a traditional form. The story actually takes place through a series of chat messages, e-mail messages, memos and other written forms. (Had she thrown in text messaging then I would have had to contact Ms. Cabot about royalty rights.)

Ok, seriously . . . The last part, the story taking place through a non-traditional format, is what really jumped out at me. Over the past couple of years I have found myself reliving various chapters of my own life via old e-mails, chat transcripts and other forms of electronic communication. I call these items "digital artifacts." As I've read through these items I can see the progression of relationships and situations as they unfolded. I marvel in this. It seems just like yesterday when asked if I had an e-mail account a blank stare fell upon my face and I replied, "What is an e-mail account?" Now, they are the things that document my past.

I love that I found such a personal conenction with the characters in this book, but what I love even more is the way the book was written. It made the time I spent with them just that much more enjoyable and made things even more relatable.

Now that I have shared with you what book shadows my life, please take a moment to read what my fellow blogers have to say about their choices:

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momorock (Sarah)

Until later . . .

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