

We’ll Always Have Smashmouth

As we head into the holiday weekend, Melissa, of Merryland Girl fame, asked our blogging group to talk about our favorite Fourth of July memories.

As a child we would get together as a family for the Fourth of July. Usually at my middle brother’s home and then go watch fireworks at the beach.

In college, my most vivid memory of Fourth of July activities was my “brilliant” plan one year to have a picnic at a local lake. I say that it was “brilliant” because it was Texas in July which is. . . well . . . let’s just say it’s very hot and humid during this time of year. There were about half a dozen of us. Ants attacked our food as soon as we placed it on the picnic table. It was if they had seen us coming from a mile away and strategized accordingly. It was if they believed they were invited to the festivities as well. If memory serves me right, we packed up a hell of a lot quicker than we had unpacked. Instead of a lovely outdoors picnic, our group relocated to my boyfriend’s apartment where we continued the celebration in the comfort of air conditioning – and no ants.

My next memory of Fourth of July celebrations is from 2006 and 2007. At the time I was living near my village's town center. One of the advantages to living there was having the "perfect" location for viewing fireworks - and it was, as long as you didn't leave your home. In 2006, we stayed home and had family come to us. We took camping chairs and set them up facing the field where the fireworks originated. In 2007, however, our experience was not as blissful. Mainly due to the fact that we left our home. By the time we decided to head home to watch fireworks we found a variety of local streets closed off – including ones that led into our community. In order to watch fireworks, from the comfort of our own neighborhood, we ended up parking about half a mile away and walking to our place. At the time I didn’t find much humor in the situation. Actually, I was quite upset. Looking back, I find myself laughing at the whole situation.

In 2008, I started a new tradition. BFF invited me to a party at her parents home for the Fourth of July. We hadn't seen each other in awhile so I was all about attending. That evening was spent catching up with many people I hadn't seen in a long time, listening to music and taking in the fireworks. When Fourth of July 2009 rolled around I hoped part of the celebration festivities would include another great gathering at BFF's parents place - my wish came true. This year Smashmouth provided the entertainment. I have to admit I was impressed that such a well-known group was place such an event. (Lots of points for the village special events planning committee!) By 2010 I just assumed my invite was "in the mail." Needless to say, that is where I happily ended up once again. Unfortunately, this year I will not be seeing BFF and family. The reason why is understandable, but it still doesn't seem right. It won't be the same. However, I know that I'll create new traditions and new memories which I am looking forward too.

With that in mind, I would like to wish my fellow bloggers and readers a happy, and safe, Fourth of July holiday!

Before you go out and celebrate, please take a moment to read about what the other members of this blogging group have to say about their Fourth of July memories:

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momorock (Sara)

Until later . . .

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