

There Are Seven

I am:


I sneeze in threes.

Spend enough time with me and it won't take you long to figure this out. Since day one, my whole sneezing in threes has been a big joke amongst my coworkers. Instead of saying "G-d bless you" after I sneeze those that sit around me wait until they hear the third sneeze. If there is a significant enough pause, they will ask if there is anymore coming. I'm not kidding.

Since I've been going in and out of hot and cold environments I've developed a little bit of a cold. This has caused me to sneeze more than usual.

At first the whole to-do about my sneezing was a bit embarrassing, but I got over that quickly and just started joking about it along with everyone else.


Ok, I'm not tired ALL the time, but when I get really tired I crash - Quickly! Actually, when I'm tired and know I have to stay awake I will do so; however, once I've fulfilled my commitment that was keeping me from resting I totally shut down. Recently I was so tired one day at work I was counting how long I had until the ride home. The minute I took my seat on the train I pulled out my ticket and shut my eyes. I didn't wake up until it was time for me to get off. It was blissful!

For the first five weeks of 2011 I was tired all the time. I was living a hectic schedule that I was not use to handling. As a result I would fall asleep early in the evening and then wake up around midnight. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again for a couple of hours so the cycle would repeat itself.

These days I can handle stressful/hectic schedules a lot better. There are, however, some nights I just don't get the sleep I need. This results in me being sleepy and seeking moments during the day I can take a power nap.

When I have these "sleepy" days you can totally tell... it's written all over my face. Or, at least that is the way it appears to me when I look in the mirror.


Lack of sleep leads me to be grumpy.

I'm very good about letting people close to me know when I'm grumpy... I believe in giving people warning on these days as it effects how I process information and my response to things that are said. On these days I often have trouble interrupting sarcasm and jokes as being such and am a bit more sensitive about things that were meant as just joking.


I tend to lead. Or, at least it has been my observation that I have a tendency to lead. Though, I could be wrong about this. Anyhow... sometimes I'm not as articulate as I would like to be. I have a difficult time expressing myself.


OMG! Can I be clumsy at times. For the first couple of months of 2011 I managed to injure myself in some way, shape or form.

In January I cut a toe so badly that wouldn't stop bleed . . . or at least it didn't seem to stop bleeding. I even went to the emergency room because it wouldn't stop bleeding - I was that concerned about it. Thankfully, it stopped bleeding before I actually saw a doctor and got charged for the visit.

In early February I slipped on ice and broke my fall with my right arm. I didn't break anything, but it hurt - for some time. Since I was in a rush to get somewhere when it happened all I could think was, "Ok, at least it wasn't the hand I write with" and went on with my day.


I'm really a shy person, however you really wouldn't know it. As time has passed I've gotten good at not letting that over power me in social situations. I've gotten a lot more comfortable going to events where I don't know anyone and still be perfectly comfortable.


Need I say more?

You may be wondering what the above was all about.... This week, for the blogging project Melissa - aka Merryland Girl - ask us to talk about: Which Disney character we could relate to the most. So, my approach wasn't exactly in the parameters of the topic, but The Seven Dwarfs are characters that I can relate too. :)

Now that I've share with you which Disney character I can relate to the most, please take a moment to see what my fellow bloggers have to say:

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momarock (Sara)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

very cute and clever!!!

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