Overall this past week was good. It did however provide two days that had their craptastic moments. Luckily, they were short-lived and as fate would have it the knitting G-ds provided a dose of yarn happiness at just the right time.
It all started Wednesday when I received an e-mail letting me know that my May sock club shipment had been sent and the tracking information was in the body of the message. Yay! Perfect timing, the first craptastic event of the week had just taken place and I was not digging what was going on. However, receiving the e-mail put me in better spirits.
Then, fast forward to Friday morning. More craptaism and I was once again not digging things. Seeing that I had received the e-mail on Wednesday about the May shipment and knowing they send the package priority mail I checked the USPS site to see if I could expect delivery this weekend. Much to my surprise (and delight), the package had been delivered. WOOHOO! I wasn't planning on going back to my place right after work, but knowing that I had a package waiting for me I made a quick trip home to pick it up. (You never leave yarn waiting, especially when part of your day was craptastic.)
No sooner did I have the package in my hand did I rip it open. What I found was beyond what I thought I would find. Not only did the knitting G-ds provide me yarn on a day that would have otherwise been remembered for its crappiness, they provided me with yarn that had me thinking, "You had me at hello." It was as if the dyer made this colorway JUST for me.
This is what I found when I opened my package:

Pepe La Plume
That was just the start of the goodness. . .
After gushing over the colorway I opened the pattern information:

It was Fraggle-freaking-Rock themed! I HEART Fraggle Rock so much. Oh, and did you notice the Disney font used? (Another favorite of mine.) This was PERFECTION! Any money I had spent on this club just paid for itself 1000 times over.
All the craptastic events of the past week had been brushed away. The week had officially ended on a fantastic note. It was time to go out and have fun! (And that's just what I did.)
Until later . . .
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