When I'm evaluating a situation, I try to look at all perspectives of the those involved. Most people I know think this is an asset and a great thing to do. There have been situations when my friends have thought I was silly for considering the perspective of those involved - I just said that was their way of looking at it and not mine.
One of my friends recently pointed out when this approach can be considered a mark against me. I acknowledged their thoughts and agreed. However, from my perspective I could think of a lot worse things to be a mark against me then being able to see all sides of a given situation.
I use to to complain - A LOT! I didn't really see how much I complained until I was handed a lofty dose of perspective. I'm thankful for this because now I see how I was letting the littlest things get to me when in the big picture they weren't so critical. It really changed my sense of what is and isn't worth getting upset about.
Don't get me wrong, I still complain, but not to the degree that I use too. Thank goodness for perspective.
Quote This!
"Our most important thoughts are those which contradict our emotions." - Paul Valery
"The greater intellect one has, the more originality one finds in men. Ordinary persons find no difference between men." - Blaise Pascal
"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric." - Bertrand Russell
"If a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it." - Edgar Howe
"If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us." - Herman Hesse
(I don't know about the last quote as I was taught by my parents not to "hate." When I was younger, and would say I hated someone or something, my father would asked me how strongly I felt about that and told me not to use the word unless I felt THAT strongly about things.
Since then, even when I've had all the right in the world to use the word to describe my emotions towards someone or something I have refrained from using it as I know I didn't feel THAT strongly. However, I'm adding the quote into the list because I think it presents an interesting perspective.)
If things in your

Until later . . .
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