My latest and greatest photo project took on a whole new life last weekend. I guess you can say I looked beyond the obvious and started capturing more than I had before. Also, I started using my good camera which made a world of difference in what I could capture. I'll be interested how this all turns out in the end.
About seven years ago I was an avid runner. This was the case for a good two years. During the summer I would run at a near by man made lake and in the winter I'd run at a gym about 30 minutes from me (Yes, I drove 30 minutes just to run). Then I moved, and there were no desirable trails or gyms with tracks near by.
About two years ago, I was part of a member focus group at the gym I belonged too. They wanted our feedback on our experience at the club and why we stayed members. After the session I was talking with one of the regional managers who was taking notes on our feedback (I'll call them Big-wig). Though they did provide treadmills for running that just doesn't work well for me. I have to be running along some sort of path - even if it's a path that goes in circles. I explained this all to Big-wig and asked why they don't provide tracks in any of the clubs. Big-wig's answer to my question was, "running is bad for your knees." Now, I realized this as I have a family member who's had two knee replace surgeries. However, I still wasn't sold on Big-wig's answer. So, I explained all this to Big-wig and then asked, "Shouldn't I be the one deciding whether or not to ruin my knees? Also, if running is bad for your knees what makes running on a treadmill any better? Wouldn't it be just as bad, if not worse because the surface is harder than a track?" (Yes, I know! I was being a smart ass at that point. However, I think it got my point across.) Big-wig didn't have an answer for me.
Now, fast forward to current. . . I still don't have a desirable indoor track to use, but I have discovered a path to run. However, what keeps me from starting again is that extra push to actually try to build up my endurance again. One of my goals in the next couple of weeks it start running again.
Quote of the Day comes from Crazy Aunt Purl's Blog. Amen!
More Small Objects
This is the Wee Tiny Sock I received in the swap. It's from Coffee Yarn. The sock yarn is hand dyed with coffee. (I chuckle given my newly acquired taste for coffee.)
On that note . . . Until later . . .
1 comment:
Does your wee tiny sock smell like delicious coffee?
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