What I would like from you is help with a dilemma I'm currently having. Recently, I found a problem with the yarn pictured below . . .

So, I e-mailed the manufacture and they let me know that they were aware some skeins of yarn they used earlier in the year having problems. Since I had gotten this yarn within that time period it made sense that I had a problem with it. They told me they were happy to send me out another hank to replace it. When I asked where I should send the yarn I had, they told me to keep it and try to find a project I could use it on. Free yarn? VERY NICE!
Since then, I wound the yarn and have used it for a few Sock Yarn Blankie squares. Now that I've done that I'm stuck. I don't know what I should do with the rest. Especially considering I've gotten the replacement hank.
This is where you come in! To enter the contest I am asking you to leave a comment telling me what you think I should do with the remaining yarn. I'm guessing there is approximately 300 yards (give or take). In your comment please leave me information on how I can contact you - Rav user name, e-mail address, etc.
The contest is open from Monday, July 6th 12:01AM CST through Thursday, July 9th 11:59PM CST. On Friday, July 10th I will pick a winner using Random.org.
What's the prize you ask?
Two pairs of Addi Turbo Circular Needles.
Good Luck!
Until later . . .
Look up Magic Slippers on Ravelry and make some really cute baby/toddler slippers!
I like these patterns:
lesjoujou on Ravelry
Well that would really depend on what type of problems you are having with the yarn and you didn't say. Baby socks, or maybe a triangle scarf would be good. g
I'm voting for some kiddee socks though this would be enough yardage for a cowl too!
I've recently started a lace addiction...how about a nice lacey scarf or mini shawl?
share32006 on Ravelry
Oh I wish I could help! Addis are my favorite. Unfortunately, I usually have to ask my readers to help me pick projects, too. Good luck everyone!
How about a shawlette? I'm about to start an Ishbel.
with 300 yards of sock yarn, I feel like you've got some good options!
there are some pretty cowls out there like this one:
and you could do a cute baby sweater/boloro:
or a nice shawl or scarf:
I love the Simple Skyp Socks on Ravelry. My rav name is lynnknit.
Love the magic slippers, but I also like just about anything lace, and with that much yardage, you have options... cowl, scarf, shawlette, baby items...
maybe some cuffs?
How 'bout a stringy market bag?
How about the Baktus scarfette -- it lets you use the exact amount of yarn you have, and will be warm and cheerful anyway!
MaryjoO on Ravelry
I'd make a nice lacy scarf or how about the Montego Bay scarf. It would look nice.
How about the ever cute baby surprise jacket or Saartje's Bootees
http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/saartjes-bootees. Well, now I'm in the mood to knit something little :)
hehe i like contests as well there is a group on ravelry where people go and people send yarn to people who need it to finish a project or if someone doesnt have alot of money to buy yarn its pretty cool http://www.ravelry.com/groups/yarncycle thats an idea vbarton24 at gmail dot com
I think Ice Queen with or without beads (I am not a beader) would be a lovely project and fun to knit too
I'd make a cowl or a pair of gloves!
If it's the white bits that is the problem, have you thought of over dyeing the yarn? Fun!
how about making some dishcloths?
There are endless patterns for
those on the net. You didn't say
exactly what the problem was, so I
am just guessing that you might be
able to use the yarn for this.
You could use the yarn to make a pair of no show socks like this pattern: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/super-simple-short-sock
I'm wildflower38 on Rav.
make a headband!!! everyone has room in their closets for another headband!
Clapotis scarf or drop stitch scarf
Shorty socks. I love them and you have just the right amount of yarn!! YEAH for FREE YARN!!
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