

A Recap

It's amazing the difference a week, and some good sleep, can make. Last week was such a drain on me. I think part of it was all the things that were weighing on my mind. I was waiting for medical test results to come back, there were two mile-marker dates and the hot and cold weather we've been having is still messing with my system. And that was in addition to all the normal day-to-day stuff. When all said and done the medical test results were fine, the mile-markers came and went and this weather is still messed up so I guess it is what it is.

I was fortunate enough to have yarn grace my mailbox on multiple occasions last week, but I have admit it wasn't until Thursday's shipment that I truly got happy about it.

A few more thoughts have crept up in my mind since Wednesday's post:

• I'm always afraid I'm going to hit the mailbox.

• I like my definition of "Fashionably Late."

• Kermit the Frog has a special place where he can observe all.

• I thought I had gotten past the ten o'clock snack phase, but I guess not.

• Part of me wants too and the other part of me doesn't want too. I wish this was just one of those things I could just flip a coin on and be done with it!

• "I don't know. We're not exactly BFF's so I don't feel like I can ping her and ask. :P"

This coming weekend will be busy - and fun! Hopefully I can find some time to knit as I haven't been doing a lot of that this week. I did, however, find time this week to start the July shipment of my sock club. I loved the yarn and the pattern so much I am skipping March and May. I'm sure I'll squeeze some knitting time into the weekend.

Until later. . .

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