

Inside My Head

There are many, many, many thoughts floating around in my head these days . . . Here's a "Knitters Dozen" worth:

• I'm all about being a geek these days.

• "I have administrator rights!? Gee, I didn't realize I was THAT special."

• Extended Spring - I love it!

• Must remember that placing a glass plate directly on a heat source will cause it to crack and break once it's taken off and placed in a cool environment. Good thing it only cost me a $1.50.

• Sleep is a beautiful thing and I would like more of it.

• Procrastination. Procrastination. Procrastination.

• It's truly amazing he walked away alive given that the car flipped over like it did.

• No news is good news.

• Nicknames are fun.

• I appreciate others openly admitting it's an awkward situation.

• I didn't realize that so much happened in just a few days. I guess you truly find out when you recap it all.

• Pot boiling - this time literally and figuratively.

• You know you both want to talk to each other again so why don't you stop playing games and just do it.

• Even though you don't read my blog - Belated birthday wishes to Bostonian! I think Europe is a great place to be to celebrate!

Until later . . .

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