

Cue The Music

One of the things that made the show "Ally McBeal" special was that the main character - Ally McBeal portrayed by Calista Flockhart - had a "theme song."

This week, Mel @ asked us to talk about our theme song.

In the show, the initial idea of Ally McBeal having a theme song was so she would have a song that made her "happy" and kept her going when needed. For Ally, that song was "Tell Him" by The Exciters.

For me, the theme song I've chosen going is not necessarily a song that makes me happy. Instead, it's a song I've come back to periodically throughout my life for different reasons. Sometimes it just inspires me and others it's just speak the words that I am feeling. The first time I started listening to it was back in 2001 when I was going through just one of the many difficult times in my life. Actually, I believe it was BFF whom introduced me to the song. I can't tell you the number of times I listened to that song during workouts. Even back then when the words didn't have as much significance as they do today I still couldn't get them out of my mind.

When I was setting up my most recent version of an iPod I designated this song as my "Power Song" per the Nike+iPod add on - it just seems like the obvious choice.

The song I speak of is Survivor by Destiny's Child.

My friends and fellow bloggers have written about thier Theme Songs as well. Check what they are by clicking on the below links:

Jenn @ Charmingly Rnadom
Mel @ Me!!!
Shara @ Desperate Madness

Until later . . .

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