

Socktacular Saturday: When Boring Is Good

At my last doctor's appointment I was told "Boring is a good thing."

My doctor was speaking of overall health, but I can say the same about socks as well. I've been struggling for the past couple of weeks on which pair socks I would make next. I tried Jaywalkers, but it has a 76 stitch count. Though it doesn't have a lot of give to them I still think that is a lot for my tiny feet. Then I considered Giles Wave Socks. I still wasn't inspired. That's when I decided to go back to the Basic Rib Socks.

A bit on the boring side for me - yes as I've made three pairs already. However right now things in my life are a little too "exciting" and I just want something easy.

Don't you love the colors?

Yarn goodness supplied by Regia.

Don't forget the toe close-up!

Time to get crackin' on sock number two!

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

those are really cool!

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