

The Ultimate App

As much as I've talked about getting an iPhone, I really haven't played with one. The most I've done is browse the web a bit and see if I could manage using the "keyboard." That all changed this weekend.

Recently, a friend of mine has the oh so excellent honor of planning their law school's Barrister Ball (a.k.a. - Law School Prom) and they were talking about how they were trying to come up with an original idea, but it's been held at every venue that the advisor would approve of - which apparently means a fancy hotel or reception venue. After my idea to hold it one of the areas upscale bowling alleys was rebuffed I mentioned a hotel that might be a happy medium between "fun & funky" and "upscale." There was a small, tiny problem. I couldn't come up with the name. It was one of those situations where the name is on the tip of your tongue, but not 100% there. Since I had Yelped the place about two years ago I had the brilliant idea that I would log into my Yelp account and figure it out that way. And, maybe somewhere in the process of everything the name would magically come to me.

After an extremely painful 10 - 15 minutes of trying to log into Yelp via a web browser PT mentioned that the phone had the Yelp app. I looked at him with confusion. "I tried to tell you earlier, but I didn't want to step on your toes," he said. Let's just say I got into my account with no problems from the Yelp app and I admitted to being a special kind of stubborn. Once I was logged in that's when I magically, without even having to look up the review, remembered the hotel name. (It's the Hotel Sax that I was thinking of for anyone who was wondering.) Since that problem had been solved I asked if it was ok to play with the app for awhile. I was having TOO much fun. Had I thought anyone would really care, I would have given into my temptation to "check in" at the location we were at just because. However, I refrained.

After returning the phone to its owner I went on to comment on how much fun it was to play with the Yelp app, but not enough to get me to buy an iPhone. Then without thinking I said, "Man, if there was a Ravelry app then I'd be all over buying that phone. Could you imagine that!? That would be the ultimate app." Ok, PT doesn't knit so he couldn't imagine that. More than anything that comment probably just added to the "Froggie is a special kind of" file in the back of his brain. With that in mind, he humored this addiction and let me press on with my train of thought.

Imagine it folks . . . Imagine have how many times have you been in your local yarn shop and find yarn that is to die for, but have no idea what you're going to make with it and wish you had something you could access Rav? How many times do you have a pattern in mind and have a question about it while you're out in public knitting, but no access to the internet so you can't consult Rav? Or, how many times have you wished you could alert your friends that you're at your favorite LYS and invite them to join you?

Maybe, just maybe, this is something Casey, and the rest of the Ravelry geniuses, are working on and I'm just stealing their thunder. Maybe it's not. But, either way I think the time has come for the ultimate app - for knitters at least.

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

you should share this on your ravelry groups.

Casey said...

Take a quick look at this group :)

Also - this isn't an app but it is a handy yarn store locator based on the Ravelry database that is made for iPhones:

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