

Isn't That Its Purpose?

The Official Sock Yarn Blankie Square Count for June 15, 2010:

Squares Needed: 736

Squares Knit and Stitched Together: 726

Remaining Squares Needed:10

I was hanging out with a friend this weekend when I commented that I was cold. So, my friend threw blankie on my lap. I immediately took blankie off and put it aside. That's when I got asked the question - "Why did you do that? Isn't the purpose of that to keep you warm?"

Ummm . . . Ok, that was a good point. Made me wonder why I wasn't using it. So far, the only reason I can come up with is that in my mind since it's not finished it is not ready for usage. I mean, yes, it's close to the coveted 736 squares, but the fact is that I'm adding on to those squares. So, when I get to 736 sometime this week I will pause for a moment of recognition, and then keep going.

Oh yeah, then there is phase two of this project. Guess there will be many more blankie blog entries to come!

Until later . . .

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