

What Would Emily (Post) Do?

I was presented with an awkward situation yesterday.

One that I knew was possible at any point in time, but had in fact gotten far too comfortable believing would never happen. NEVER - that should have been my first red flag.

My heart and head were at odds with one another. So much so that I felt compelled to mention what had happened to a friend later that day. Not expecting any opinion on it, they shared with me how they would have handled the situation.

The advice was what my heart really wanted to do. However, I had taken the rational advice my head was giving me at the time.

When all is said and done it is what it is. I recognize I say that because I can't go back and change things. Additionally, maybe, just maybe, I honestly believe somewhere in the bottom of my heart that my course of action was actually the best one even though the majority of it felt otherwise.

I was once told that things happen in your life for a reason. That people come in and out, and possibly in again, for a reason. That situations occur possibly as a test to see if we've grown and learned. I'm not sure if that is the case here or if I believe that at all, but if that is the case I would like to know. . . did I passed? If it's not, then I guess it's just a matter of time before the next awkward situation presents itself and I will revise my approach.

In the meantime, I continue to reflect on what the "proper" etiquette for this situation is and begin to wonder - WWED?

Until later . . .

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