


• I wouldn't have done it if there hadn't been a group of females around me.

• Good thing it had a lot of cream in it; otherwise it would have been a much bigger mess

• Ribbit! Ribbit!! Ribbit!!!

• Caffeine - a new best friend!

• Dream In Minis

• Timing is everything . . .

• "If I had a dollar for everytime I said that word I'd be a very rich woman!"

• It's funny the way things work out sometimes

• This is a test. This is ONLY a test.

• Blessings are something to be counted often

• It's on vacation and doesn't seem to want to come back

• I have found heaven! Can you tell me how I take-up permanent residency?

• If you don't ask, you don't know for sure

• It was like old times, but with new friends

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

glad to see your wednesday list again. :)

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