

He Calls Me Shirley

I don't know why I tried to fight the answer to the question Susanna, of Parenting: A Special Kind of Crazy fame, asked the blogging group to write about this week - If you could have dinner with someone living or dead who would it be and what would you talk about?

Originally, I was going to impress with some of the prominent figures in history I have questions for; however, as time went on, and my deadline lingered, I stopped kidding myself. The only person I wanted my one chance dinner with was... my dad.

It's been almost 22-years since my dad's passing and I still miss him everyday. In his absence I carry around the chain he wore for the better part of his life. It's my way of having him with me everywhere I go. However, the thought that I could have one more dinner with him... well, let's just say that would be PRICELESS.

So, what would this dinner look like and what would be said?

For starters as I cooked dinner, we'd have "Wheel of Fortune" on in the background as was the case on any given week night when I was younger. I'm not sure what I'd be making for the main course, but I know I'd serving apple pie and vanilla ice cream for dessert. It was never a coincidence that this dessert was present at all family dinner (minus Passover of course.) as this was my dad's favorite dessert.

Given that I have a child's perspective of who my dad was, as we ate our meal, I would pump my dad for information about his life; hoping to learn as much as possible about his likes, dislikes, talents and more. I'd want to know everything - the good; the bad; the ugly. I guess what what I'm trying to say is that I'd hope to get a better understanding of who he is was as person and not just as "dad." With that in mind, I'd also hope to hear him say things such as, "Don't forget to turn off the lights off after you've left the room - after all, we don't own the Edison Company." (It would warm my heart to hear him say that to me just one more time.)

Before our evening ended, we'd watch a episode of "M*A*S*H" like we did when I was a kid. As I sat next to him on the sofa I'd place my head on his shoulder and just soak-up my last seconds with him.

As I gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug good-bye I wouldn't complain that he hadn't shaved like I used to do when I was younger. Instead, I would embrace the feeling and let him know how much I loved him.

Then, before we parted ways for good he'd call me Shirley, and smile.

Now that I have told you about the person I'd most like to have dinner, I encourage you to read who my fantastic co-bloggers would like to break bread with by clicking on the links below:

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momarock (Sara)

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

very sweet. i was hoping you'd choose him.

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