

The Purple Look Of Death

I was at the grocery store when I first learned of my super power.

I had called S regarding my craving for candy hoping she would talk me out of purchasing the goodies I had in hand. After agonizing about this decision for a brief moment she asked if I had seen Dorthy's reaction after I gave her the "look of death." "Look of death?" I asked in shock. As it turns out, I apparently gave Dorthy a "look of death" earlier that day that was so powerful it even scared S despite the fact that it was not directed at her. I have to admit I wasn't thrilled to learn of this power, but I understood why such an adverse look might have emerged. Since then I try to be more aware of this "super power" as it's not one I wish to exercise regularly. Sure it stops people ragging on you when you don't want them too, I just don't take pride in making other people feel uncomfortable or for that matter I don't like feeling so strongly against someone that I give them, whether unconsciously or not, such a look.

I'd like to say it was this particular memory that gave me the idea for this week's blogging topic: What is your super power? ((Or, which superpower would you like to have?), but it wasn't. Honestly, the topic is courtesy of my friend Firefly who helped me brainstorm when I was in the eleventh hour of coming up with a topic for this week.

Given who I am, and how I think, I settling on one super power was impossible. Instead, I settled on three super powers I'd like to have . . .

In the true spirit of having a super power, my first choice would enable me to fight evil and save people lives. To accomplish this task, I would have the ability to foresee tragic events taking place and be able to rush to the scene so I could either prevent them from happening OR stop them from continuing longer than they need too. My super heroine name would be . . . ummm . . . ok, I haven't come up with a name, but I know for sure it would be an uber awesome name. Oh, I do know for sure I'd sport a super cute outfit with bedazzled accessories.

On a personal level, I'd like the ability to read minds. I don't want this ability so I know what people think of me nor do I want to know every little thought people have. Honestly, I'd like to have this super power so I could answer the many, "why the heck do they do (insert action)" questions I have - and trust me when I say I have many of these questions.

Lastly, on a purely lazy level, I'd like to have the ability to deliver items to others far away without having to put them in the mail. I'm thinking along the lines of being able to stick my hand/arm through a computer monitor or some sort of portal. Or, how about an elastic arm that stretches as far as it needed too? I mean, hand delivering items is more person, right?!

This mainly has to do with the fact that I don't like going to the post office and getting to the post office - or any mailing facility for that matter - seems to be a challenge for me. Recently it took me two months to ship a package that should have been shipped a few days at the most after I acquired the item. Sure it wasn't critical to get the item to the person, but still... I live within walking distance to a post office and pass at least two others on a regular basis during the week. I'm just sayin' this ability would be really convenient.

Now that I have talked about the super powers I would like to have, please take some time to read about the super powers my fellow bloggers would like to possess.

Momarock (Sara)

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

you and moma rock have a lot in common with your death stares and all. :) cute post!

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