

It All Just Blurs Together

The past couple of weeks have blurred together. So, I'm trying, at the very least, to sort a few of the days out.

• After four hours of testing my brain Really, REAlly, REALly, REALLY hurt!

• Last Tuesday I discovered the pool. It wasn't that I didn't know it was there - I just hadn't had the time to enjoy it. Actually, I am surprised I didn't discover the pool last summer. Regardless of any of the above, it was nice and relaxing.

• Strike two was easier to receive than strike one. I wasn't exactly happy about it, but it was easier.

• Wednesday, Thursday and Friday . . . Oh, how do I wrap-up these days . . . Heat. Rain. More rain.

• Sometimes weekend plans fall into place at the very last minute.

• The only thing I did on my "to do" list was buy running shoes. Otherwise, the list was shot to hell.

• I swear, the yarn just jumped into my hands and wouldn't leave. I had no other choice but to buy it.

• Brain = Sponge; Sponge = Brain

• Spending time with academia types is fun. (At least I think so.)

• Having all this additional time on my hands is starting to cause withdrawal symptoms. I never realized how much I enjoyed having a hectic schedule until it was no longer hectic.

• Someone called me "noble" for all the volunteer work I do and then proceeded to say what they did for a living didn't even begin to compare. I didn't know what to say to this. All I could reply was that helping people makes me happy and that I try to align myself with causes I believe in which just enhances the experience.

The whole conversation was odd because I don't see that I'm doing anything outstanding or unique. It's like when I watched this one episode of "Undercover Boss." There was this one guy who didn't think he was doing anything special, however the "undercover boss" was blown away by him. At the end of the show he was praised for his work and given this awesome promotion. All he could say was that he was just being himself and didn't think he was doing anything out of the ordinary. I guess what's I'm trying to get at is that I'm just doing my thing because it's my thing.

The other reason I had a hard time with what this person was saying has to do with my belief that every ones job is important - even a job that someone may consider low-level or menial.

• Speaking of volunteer work . . . I decided to join another volunteer project team. This week I got presented with two different project possibilities. Both of them are outstanding and amazing. I'd be lucky to be on either one. The problem is, however, I don't know know which to choose - and I need to make a decision by tomorrow afternoon.

The scope of one of the projects is something I can basically do in my sleep at this point as my past two projects, over the past year and a half, have been focused on the same initiative. What attracts me to the project is the organization and the fact that the work will be laying the foundation for some exciting future endeavors. On the flip side, the scope of the other project is totally different from what I've done in the past and would be a new challenge. The cause is just as interesting as well.

Typically, I have a strong draw one way or another and choosing a project team isn't a problem. However, at this point, I feel like the only way I'm going to be able to decide is to flip a coin or some other random method of deciding.

At this point, the only thing I know for sure is that this is not a bad problem to have.

• I was knitting in public earlier this week when this guy told me that he thought it was cool that I knit. He then proceeded to say he thinks everyone should have a "pre-industrial" skill.

I never really thought of it that way . . .

• The theme of the party was "Country Club Chic" so you can imagine my surprise, along with a lot of others, when there was a Burlesque show. I guess. . . if you think of the party in terms of being "Gossip Girl"-esque then the show fit in perfectly well.

• Why do I feel like all of the above didn't even begin to scratch the surface of the past couple of weeks?

Until later . . .

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