I thought I posted this on Saturday, but I was mistaken. So, I'm trying this again. . . with a bit more added on . . .
This past week BFF used the term "brain dump" in one of our many conversations. OMG! LOVE the term! It totally describes what I do in these thought posts.
I decided it was time for a brain dump - I have a lot on my mind. So this is a chance I might actually post more than my typical 14 bullet points... but we shall see.
• Two weeks ago I got some news that made me feel like I could rule the world. Now, I don't really want to rule the world, but I felt so good that I felt as though I could have. I liked feeling this way. It was a tad different for me to feel so full of myself, but in a way it was a nice change.
There were a few who were
THRILLED to hear I felt this way. They hadn't seen me like this - ever.
• I think it should be mandatory that everyone who rides the Metra on a somewhat regular basis has a train buddy. I highly recommend having one. It makes commuting a lot more entertaining.
• As long as I'm talking about commuting on the train... If you happen to see someone on the train knitting, please don't stare at them. A few people did this to me this week. I realize they were looking because they were admiring what I was making (they told me this while we were getting off the train), but at the time it made me feel uncomfortable. Even after three years of knitting in public I still don't feel comfortable with people staring at me while I knit. It makes me want to ask them how they'd feel if I was staring at them for an extended period of time.
(Ok, vent over . . .)
• .... and the moral of the story is that there are actually honest, good people who will turn in your monthly pass to lost and found when they find it. So take a minute and put your contact information on the back of your pass - it could save you a lot of money - trust me, I know what I'm talking about!
• It's weird to think that by as early as this month, or as late as September, I'll have all the answers I've been waiting so long to receive. So far there have been a handful of them that I haven't liked - and one I've liked. I'd like another I like... just my preference.
• I've still been really bad about getting my "to do" list completed. The other night I listed eight things I wanted to do that evening - I only got one of them done. I blame this on working-out. After I workout all I want to do is sit and zone-out... which is what I end up doing more often than not.
• I still care and I don't want to care anymore. I want to be over it, but I'm not.
• Actually, a lot of people want me to get past this. A lot of people want to make a phone call I refuse to make. Even my train buddy suggested I make this phone call. When he told me this it was kind of ... well.... it made me realize how transparent I am. I mean I was trying to be all strong about it when the subject came up, but I know he could see how sensitive the topic was for me. I really didn't mean to venture on to the topic with TB, but it just sorta happened... and of course it happened right before I was getting off the train. It was such a delightful was to end our conversation that day.
• Non-boyfriend and non-girlfriend are two terms I throw around a lot lately. A lot of my friends laugh at me when I use them. However, one person in my life has a non-boyfriend and another a non-girlfriend. I use these terms because these individuals claim to not be in relationships though they really are. It's my way of respecting there wishes to not use the boyfriend/girlfriend term, but at the same time expressing how I feel.
• There needs to be an extra day during the weekend. On this extra day I'm not allowed to make plans or do anything other than clean, run errands and relax at home.
• I might need to go for a third round of testing. If I do, it will be my last chance to do this until February 2013. Additionally, I have to start prepping again if I'm going to do this in October. I also need to get LD testing done before the registration deadline as well so I can get an accommodation for my LD this time around.
• On a related note, a friend of mine is considering taking the same test that I am speaking up above. He told me he looked at sample problems and couldn't believe how hard they were. I agreed it's a difficult test, but didn't tell him that I enjoyed the challenge. He hasn't said anything to me as to whether or not he's going to take the test. I'll be interested to see what his final decision ends up being.
• I'm not sure how the others in my blogging group feel about this, but I have to say it's sometimes difficult to think of a topic for everyone to write about - even if it's only every four weeks.
• Back in April my friends and I were all about comparing and contrasting what we felt was the best place to get a chai latte. Today, it was all about hamburgers and fries.
Personally, I have to say that Five Guys is overrated. I was greatly disappointed. Meatheads is also overrated. I am yet to be impressed by a hamburger place lately. I have heard, however, that In and Out Burger in CA is a life-changing experience. Guess I need to make a trip out to Cali to do some research.
• I didn't realize how fast I walk until I was stuck behind people who walk much slower than I do.
• I have a texting addiction.
Phew! That felt good to get off my chest!
• I wasn't nervous, or waiting by the mail box, until people started asking me if I was nervous and waiting by the mailbox.
• Honestly, whatever happens; happens. I don't have control over the situation anymore. I've done everything I can do and I just have to trust that whatever happens next is what is meant to be - and that it happens for a good reason.
• So, if I get a good fortune from a fortune cookie I put the date on the back of it and keep it. Here are some that I've gotten over the past six months that have actually "come true":
-> "The current year will bring you much happiness." (January 21, 2011)
-> "Good news will come to you by mail." (April 18, 2011)
-> "Your perspective will shift." (April 28, 2011)
This all leads me to the most recent fortune I received that was worth of keeping in the back of my mind:
-> "Good things are coming to you." (July 2, 2011)
... Here's to hoping that is the case!
• First was sky diving, then trying to learn how to ride a motorcycle. So, it only makes sense that roller derby is being taken under consideration at the moment.
• Alarms are good things. (I learned that
the hard way last week.)
• A friend of mine who is Modern Orthodox invited me to spend Shabbos at an Orthodox home. They felt it might be nice for me since I was mentioning, often, how crazed and exhausted I was recently. They thought I could use some "enforced down time." The e-mail included details that this included no phone, twitter, facebook, e-mail and knitting. Oddly enough, of all the items on this list of prohibited activities, the one I had the greatest reaction too was the "no knitting." I seriously thought it would have been the ones detailing with computer/phone use.
Anyhow, I'm considering taking them up on their offer. It would be an interesting experience - possibly.
• I'm sure there is more to put on this list, but I'm exhausted and I have yet another early morning. So -
Until later . . .