

How Many In 9 Minutes

It's 10 minutes until midnight. I have 9 minutes to come-up with as many thoughts as possible. The "publish" button must be pushed at 11:59PM - or at least that is my rule on this post for tonight. So here I go . . .

• The pot of water is simmering and I can't seem to not stare at it. I like life better when I wasn't looking. I wasn't as stressed and anxious.

• That would be wHine, not wIne. Though they both wHine and wIne seem as though they'd go together quite nicely.

• I still care.

• This is a lesson on how to manage difficult people.

• To participate in roller derby or not participate in roller derby that is the question.

• I'm nervous.

• Who knew it was that easy to blow through so many text messages in one month.

• These thought posts take a lot longer to compose than I realize.

• It's 11:59 PM... I have to push "publish" now...

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

fun concept for a post. :)

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