

Hotel Queen

It's Thursday once again which means it's time for another Thursday Blog Project topic. This week, Susanna, the Mom of Many, asked us to discuss: Your worst vacation experience.

After much thought on about this topic I decided to alter it a tad. There isn't one bad vacation experience that jumps out at me to talk about. If I've had any bad vacations, it had more to do with my companion then anything else. Since I don't want to point a finger at anyone one particular person I will not get into details on that matter. Instead, I will talk about the term "Hotel Queen" and how I became familiar with it.

In 2007, the ex and I traveled to Ft. Worth for my youngest cousin's oldest daughter's Bat Mitzvah. My mom came with us as well. However, the ex and I decided to stay in different lodging accommodations than my mom - less expensive accommodations. Even though the ex was tall we went with a queen size bed because we knew it would be fine for just a few nights. Or so we thought.

Upon arriving, we came to find out this queen size bed was more like a full size bed. For someone as tall as he is, it wasn't going to work. We talked about moving locations, but we didn't (though I can't quite remember why though). Instead, we took turns sleeping in the bed while the other slept on the sofa that was in the room. Let's just say it made the trip challenging.

We talked to management about this matter and they claimed we had a room with a queen size bed. Actually, what they said was that it was a "hotel queen," which was apparently slightly smaller than a queen size bed you or I would purchase for our home.

Until this day I really don't buy this explanation. Actually, I need to check with Bostonian about this because he use to work in the hospitality industry. If anyone would know if they were bullshitting us it would be him. At the end of the day, I complained enough that we got a refund on our stay and many rewards points to "compensate" us. (I don't believe that was the only thing wrong with these accommodations, but it surely was the main issue.)

Oh, both the ex and I got food poisoning on this trip as well. I can say with confidence we were both very happy when we finally got home.

Now that I've talked about a bad travel experience of mine, please take a few moments to read what my fellow bloggers have to say about their worst vacation experience:

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momarock (Sara)

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

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