

The Bridge Is Gettin' Closer

Normally, I wouldn't post about this, but this was such a unique occasion I feel compelled to share...

I made a dinner the other night that was one of the best meals I've ever made. I mean it was OMG good. The best part: 1) It was something different than the three dishes I'm known best for; and 2) I didn't set off the smoke detector in the process. (Yes, I'm that person who specifically cooks as part of the monthly smoke detector test you are suppose to do.)


Now that I got that out of the way. . .

This weekend was GORGEOUS! I spent a lot of time outside appreciating the nice weather. Actually, all you have to do is look at my face and you can tell right away I was outdoors. I have that oh so awesome "I forgot to use sunscreen and now I have a farmers tan" look goin' on. It's all good as in a day or two this will turn into a tan and my days of being a pale ghost will be gone - at least for the summer time.


More Things That Baffle My Mind

This weekend I encountered a few actions by others that just flat out amazed me (and not in a good way). It really made me question how people reason through things, or in some cases do not reason through things. I'm not going to get into specifics in an effort to protect said individuals from embarrassment, but it's on my mind and I just thought I'd put it out there.

Moving, Moving and more Moving Action

I finally have a hammer - it's on loan. (Mine is still M.I.A.) This allowed me to get started on hanging things. My goal is to have my life unpacked and the place all together within a three week period. I feel now that I have publicly set the gauntlet I have more incentive to get going - or that is at least my hope. I'm trying to minimize my trips to Home Depot and any other home goods related shopping. I may have found someone to look at my old lamp and even possibly fix it. I'm not sure why, but I am sadly attached to this lamp. I may still buy the other one I was looking at from and use the one I currently have in another room. There is also a mirror I'm considering getting. Decorating - the fun part of moving.

... And Speaking of things that are M.I.A.

The first wee tiny sock is still M.I.A. I made another one and it's even cuter than the first (or at least I think so). I've decided the nice thing about wee tiny socks is that you can complete them within an hour or two and feel as though you've accomplished something. I fear that my sock addiction may be replaced with a mini-sock addiction. After finishing the one for my swap partner I started one just for the heck of making another. Go figure!

The Bridge Is Gettin' Closer

This is what my friend and I kept telling our other friend's little ones as we got closer and closer to the end of the MS walk the other day. "The Bridge" was the best land marker we could use to give the kids an idea of how much longer we had to go. As we kept saying "the bridge is getting closer," I started to think about how in my life "the bridge" is getting closer. Actually, I don't know how it got here so fast. All I know is that the finish line is almost upon us and though I don't anticipate any difference in life it's hard to believe that it has come so quickly. I guess what I'm saying is that time passes quicker than you think it does.

A Question

When people use the phrase "Waiting for the other shoe to drop," are they at least talking about a cute/fun pair of shoes so that way it makes the problem at hand at least a bit more tolerable? : P


The Short Version of Star Wars

I got this from CT Jen's blog - Knitting Interrupted. Hope you enjoy it! (I did.)

Until later . . .

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