

May Wrap-Up

I can't get to sleep, but I can't seem to focus enough to finish up a post I was working on earlier. This leads me to believe that bullet points are in order.

Since it is technically June 1st (at least were I am) I thought I'd see if I could put some thoughts around the month of May ...

• The whole "April showers bring May flowers" belief appears to be a fallacy. All it brought was more rain. Though I didn't really complain about the rain, I'm not exactly a fan of it.

• Oh, and consistent temperatures would be nice as well. Given that this past weekend it was chilly and the super hot, my winter coat and sweaters haven't been put away yet. I'm still optimistic we're going to have extended Spring this year despite the fact that the humidity continues to persist.

• Memorial Day weekend was fantastic! It was the perfect balance between being a responsible adult and being irresponsible as well. I got to see family, friends and experience some truly unique moments. Oh, and I visited hispter heaven not even realizing I was entering such a place until I got there. It gave M and I a good laugh.

• A few weeks ago someone used the word "undetermined" in reference to me. When I overheard this I laughed because this person has no idea what is going on in my life. They didn't realize that they found the word that basically sums-up my life as it stands at this very moment. For some odd reason, I still smile when I think about it.

• In regards to the "undetermined" life I'm leading at the moment... I've actually gotten quite comfortable in this world. Things being undetermined use to bother me. I wanted structure around everything. Now I'm ok with things just being unknown. As S said to me recently, I'm sure to get answers soon. At least one would think I will.

• I'm please that I was able to find a balance between getting done the things I needed to get done and going out and being social this past month. It took some time to master, but I think I got there. I've had to be very disciplined about this.

• My pre-Couch-to-5K training is paying off. After this past month, I'm right where I want to be in terms of the pace I walk at when I'm out on the trail. I'm just at the point where I'm ready to turn my walk into a run. I accomplished everything I wanted to during the month of May. (Yay! Gold star for me!)

• Someone recently told me I sounded happy. Yes, someone used the "H" word in relation to me without my permission. What I found most interesting about the comment was it was someone I only know through online means. I was amazed they could get so much from a simple chat conversation. Something to think about I guess...

• After a whole 60 or so days of having an iPhone in my possession I had to get a new one. The camera malfunctioned - and let's be real, what's the point in having an iPhone (or for that matter a Smartphone) if the camera isn't working? I was glad to have purchased the Apple Care for the phone. Once they realized it wasn't loose wires they just gave me a new one and wiped the information off the broken one.

• Pursuit of Plan B is no longer stressing me out like it use too. I actually catch myself thinking about how calm I've been lately about everything. This is a good thing - especially since I got my first answer back and it wasn't the one I wanted. It was expected, but I was still hoping for a different answer.

• This past month I caught myself thinking a lot about smiling. Is this normal?

• I really enjoyed the 30 Day Song Challenge thing, but I'm kind of glad it's over. There is the 60 Day Song Challenge one, however I don't know that I'm going to be doing that - or at least if I'm going to do it right now. I do have some closing thoughts on the whole song challenge, but that's for another entry.

• Overall, May turned out to be even better than April. Like with all months it had some ugly moments, but looking back it was better than April. I wonder if this means June will top May? That would be nice! I'm hopeful this is the case.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i love how positive and energetic you sound. :)

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