


This week, for the Thursday Blog Project Susanna asked us to take a look at the article, "Tough Gals: Do They Still Exist?" and asked us to share give our thoughts of what the author had to say about women today being "girly - again."

Should you choose not to read the article, I will summarize it a bit. The premise of this article is that women in 2011 are moving farther and farther away from the feminist ideals of the 70's simply because they engage (and blog about) traditional female pursuits such as baking, gardening and... wait for it .... knitting or they decide to stay at home to raise their kids, etc.

As I began to think about what I wanted to say on this topic I kept coming back to the idea of what "bas-assery" really means. When I think of someone who is badass woman I think a woman who carves her own path. A woman who is not influenced by what is trendy. A woman who is confident in who she is and what she is about. For me being badass is not about what you do, but more about how you do it.

If knitting is your thing, than let me give you my shoe size so you can make me a pair of socks.

If you're into baking, I want to know when can I sample your treats?

With all this in mind, you might be able to guess where I stand regarding the author's point of view. I think the world I operate in would confuse her... On one side of the spectrum I'm a knitter. On the other end of the spectrum, twice a week I strap-on Roller Derby gear and learn the skills needed to compete in this aggressive sport. Does one activity make me more badass than the other? Absolutely not! What ultimately makes me "badass" is the passion and confidence I exude as I execute any activity I engage - work and volunteer project included. Ultimately, I like to believe what truly makes me "badass" is that I bring my own special style and flair to whatever it is I am doing, and don't feel the need to apologize for it.

Now that I have shared my thoughts on this thought-provoking topic, please take a moment to read what my fellow bloggers have to say about it:

Momarock (Sara)

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Until later . . .


Melissa said...

great post! you said it all and really made some good points. i'll be sure to bake treats for you if you come out this way to visit sometime. mostly, i put things together in pie shells and freeze them. lol!

Sara said...

"Ultimately, I like to believe what truly makes me "badass" is that I bring my own special style and flair to whatever it is I am doing, and don't feel the need to apologize for it."
This... this is exactly it, to a T. Nailed it on the head!!!

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