

They Should Call It A crackPhone

For the Thursday blog project this week, Melissa asked the group: What is your biggest addiction or vice?

"I don't know what I did without this thing."

I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say that about their iPhones. Before I got one, I'd chuckle whenever I heard this statement made. Then I got one. . .

It didn't take me long to realize I was going to be addicted to my iPhone. FireFly was with me the day I purchased it and she just laughed at me the whole time we were hanging out that day. I even apologized profusely to her as I sat at dinner and played with my new toy. I also I issued an apology on this blog to everyone I ever gave a hard time to about type of behavior and to anyone I would potentially offended in the future.

I was sure my addiction to my phone would subside over time, but it hasn't. Now I hear myself saying, "I don't know what I did without this thing." (Mainly to other iPhone owners.) Thankfully I haven't met one iPhone owner who feels differently.

My iPhone does so much for me.... It wakes me up in the morning with a very loud, yet effective, blaring alarm noise. I use it to time exercises when I'm working-out. Need a calculator? I got one! When I don't know where I'm going (or I've gotten lost) the Google Maps app gets me to where I need to go. All my favorite tunes are housed on my phone as well. Also, I have many game options (Words With Friends being my most recent favorite) to play when I'm bored. Phone numbers and e-mail addresses can be accessed within seconds. Oh, and if I lose power I'm not worried - I've got a flashlight as well! I could go on about all the countless functions my phone serves, but I think you get the point.

With that in mind I probably futz with it more than I should while I'm hanging out with friends. I'm not exactly sure why I feel the need to look at it all the time. Maybe it should be called a "crackPhone" instead. Hmmm... I don't know that Apple's marketing department would go for that. Regardless, I'm glad I took the plunge. I can say with 100% confidence it was money well spent - even if it meant taking on this new addiction.

Now that I've told you about one of my many addictions, please take a look at what my fellow bloggers have to say about their addiction or vice:

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momarock (Sara)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

kathy b said...

knitting is still my addiction......I love your crackphone post!
Im trying to visit everyone who has a blog from this years DRT

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