

And Another Chapter Comes To A Close

Tomorrow, another chapter of my life will come to an end.

Over the past couple of years I've had a lot of chapters end just as quickly as they began. Though I call them chapters, they are probably more like sub-chapters of some greater chapter of my life that I will one day look back on and refer too. Until that day, I will continue to call them chapters.

When I started this chapter two months ago I did with much hesitation. Furthermore, to say things got off to a rocky start was putting it nicely. About three weeks into the experience I had my concerns regarding the whole situation and at times regretted my decision; however, somewhere along the way things shifted. Before I knew it I had begun to write this story more freely, and with more enthusiasm, than I had in the beginning. I opened up my mind, and my heart, and found things that I could take-away from the experience rather than focus on the things the things I wouldn't get from it.

Earlier this week, when it became apparent that the end was drawing near, my open mind, and heart, begun to close at a faster pace than it had initially opened. I wasn't surprised by my behavior - I was self-protecting. I had let down my guard without even realizing it and I wanted it back, quickly, so when the end had arrived I wouldn't be so upset. See, I'm not a fan of goodbyes; however, over the past couple of years I seem to be saying goodbye a lot in one way or another.

As I finalized the end of this chapter late this past week, I found my mind and heart once again open. I was surprised by this occurrence. This is not normal for me when I know the end is coming. However, I guess this is just further shows me that I am not my "normal" self anymore.

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be written. It could be awhile. Until then, I will look back on this chapter with fondness and appreciate what I got out of the experience.

On a somewhat related note, tomorrow will also bring the last day I post my random writing to this blog. For sometime I've wanted establish a new blog that more accurately reflected me. I still knit, but not like I use too. Furthermore, it's very far and few between that I actually blog about knitting. I will continue to maintain this blog, however any entries posted to it will be crafting related. All other topics I explore will be posted to my new blog; simply titled: Froggie.

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i love how you're vague but i know exactly what you're talking about.
i like the look of your new blog.

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