


This week's Thursday Blog topic, compliments of Melissa, is: Halloween

The last time I really remember participating in Halloween as back in 2001. I had just moved back to the Chicagoland area and the place I was working said we could dress up for work if we wanted - so I did! My middle brother had gone to fantasy baseball camp and had gotten a Cubs uniform with our last name on it. Since the Cubs are the family's favorite baseball team, I thought it would be the perfect costume - and it was! I loved having the opportunity to wear it.

Some years, I've either dress-up in orange and black, or wore t-shirts that say something like, "This is my costume." This has mainly been as an adult that I've done taken the easy way out of Halloween costumes.

One of my favorite parts of Halloween are haunted houses. I absolutely ***heart*** haunted houses. When I was in college, as part of our service projects, I worked at a haunted house at Six Flags in Arlington, TX. It was a blast! The first haunted house I ever went to was when I was in Elementary/Jr. High - I can't remember exactly when. I do, however, remember that I went with my dad. I kept telling myself that it was all fake and that they weren't going to hurt me, but that didn't keep me from being scared and creep-out. Another time I remember going was about 7/8 years ago with a friend of mine. At one point they herded a group of us into a small space and filled the room with those plastic balls they use for kids to jump at Discovery Zone. This part of the haunted house was called being "buried alive."

This year, I've been invited to a Halloween party, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make it because I have another commitment the same day/night. No matter what, I'm sure it will be a fun Halloween!

Now that you've read about my thoughts on the topic of Halloween, please take a moment to read what my fellow bloggers have to say:

Merryland Girl (Melissa)

Mom of Many (Susanna)

Momarock (Sara)

Until later . . .

1 comment:

Melissa said...

we were the only two at work dressed in costume in 2001. i still have a pic of us but my shirt is positioned weird, so i don't know that i'd ever post it. lol!

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